Tuesday, November 2, 2010

to the ladies

Alright, I have been witnessing too many ladies lately lowering their standards and letting men treat them badly and then continuing to see them. Its a reoccurring cycle and I don't blame the guys for this one. You know the saying treat others how you want to be treated, well also, expect to be treated how you want to be treated. If you let the guy treat you a certain way and then you keep going back to him, then he's going to think that is how you want to be treated and he's going to continue to treat you that way.
Rule #1: Don't sleep with a guy right away. He will only think of you as a hookup. Plain and simple.
Rule #2: If he doesn't pay for your first date, he's not interested in making you his girlfriend.
Rule #3: If he's not calling, not spending time with you, he's not interested, and move on.
Ladies, there are far too many fish in the sea to continue wasting your time with losers who have babies on the way from other women, who spend their money on drugs instead of on taking you to dinner, and who would rather spend their time with their boyz than on making you fall in love with them. Move on, don't get hung up on guys who aren't hung up on you. Don't believe the lines when they are telling them to you and everyone else on the block.

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