Sunday, November 7, 2010

dinner party

If any of you read my post on my dinner party a few days ago, this one's for you.
Right after reading the post I immediately felt it was probably a bad idea because I thought someone would think what we wrote was about them even when it wasn't. Just after writing it, I went back to read it with a clear mind to see how I thought others would perceive it. Since we used fictional characters, such as Shrek and The Lucky Charms Leprechaun, I realized that anyone with a sense of humor would see that it was just a joke and that these characters do not actually work with us and that we were just making up funny stories to release stress. However, some people did take it the wrong way, and so I apologize if that was you. I have deleted the post to avoid any further controversy. Who knew that having a blog for a few days could already cause so much commotion? I can assure you that never were any names mentioned, because we weren't targeting people that we actually work with. We were making up characters. If you assumed one of those characters was you, I can assure you that it wasn't written about you, so you shouldn't feel as though we were secretly thinking about you when we wrote it, because we weren't.
I can't tell anyone how to feel. If you read it and felt offended or that I may have written it about you, I am sorry and feel free to come talk to me directly about it.
It is a sad world when people lose their sense of humor and when free speech is stifled by political correctness. I am, however, a soft spirit who is tender to those who got upset and therefore, am sorry if I offended you, as it was not my intention.

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