Monday, November 8, 2010

can you move your bag please?

On the subway, some people like to take up as much space as possible, especially when its your space. I don't understand the lack of common courtesy when people are standing up around you and looking at you and nudging their head in a move-your-bag-so-I-can-sit-please sort of way, you should move your bag and let them sit. You can put your fake Louis on the floor or on your lap. We know its not real, or else you wouldn't be ridin' the subway. In conclusion, be polite and make room for others to sit, I know we don't want the smelly guy to sit next to us, but he is probably smelly and tired form a long days work so let him sit and you can walk down the car a little bit to another seat or lean against the door with the sticker on it that says Please Do Not Lean Against The Door.

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