Friday, November 12, 2010

T.I. lyrics

These are some good lyrics from the song live your life with T.I. and Rihanna, if only T.I. had listened to his own advice, maybe he wouldn't have ended up in jail. Haha. Anyway, its a good reminder to stay focused on the things that matter in life and not get caught up in the good things and take them for granted. Often times we pray to God when we are in need of something, but we forget to praise him when everything is going well. You need to thank him for the good times and the bad times because every day is a blessing and the bad times teach you things and make you stronger. We should all strive to remain humble. I have to remind myself because I do tend to brag sometimes because we all seek approval and we all want to be told that we are doing things right. So, from now on, try to take notice when you feel you are searching for a compliment. I know it's nice to hear, but wouldn't it mean more to you if you didn't have to lead someone into giving you one?
Another thing to take a look at is if you tend to blame others for your problems instead of owning up to them yourself. Don't blame your parents for anything, if you are now an adult, there is nothing stopping you from changing your ways except you. I always blame the fashion industry for not accepting my height and measurements when really, I just need to do my best to fit into the measurements that are standard in the industry as safely and healthily as I can. The industry is not going to change for me, and I am choosing to try to be a part of it. If only we could all realize that we are the ones who need to change most of the time instead of blaming others.

Seems as though you lost sight of what's important when depositing
them checks into your bank account, and you up out of poverty.
Your values is in disarray, prioritizing horribly.
Unhappy with the riches cause you're pis-poor morally.
Ignoring all prior advice and forewarning.
And we mighty full of ourselves all of a sudden, aren't we?

(not proper English, but you get the point) :)

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