Saturday, November 6, 2010

nobody's life is "perfect"

Remember that post when I wrote that everyone is judgmental at times? I still 100% stand behind that statement. Don't claim you aren't judgmental, because everyone innately is. Also, nobody is perfect, and nobody has a perfect life. The idea of perfect is an imaginary idea. Everyone has flaws and everyone has troubles and nobody knows everything about someone else's life. Even husbands and wives who spend every day together don't really know everything about that person, because you couldn't possibly share every thought that goes through your head with your partner.
Don't ever assume that someone else has a perfect life. Don't ever assume that anyone else has it better off, or worse off than you. You never really know what is inside someone's mind or their heart. You don't know their secrets and you don't know every trial they have faced in their lifetime. Sometimes people who are really put together and put up a front like everything is perfect, have a lot of struggles internally. Don't look to those people and think they are looking down upon you because you don't also put up this front. If you feel like they are looking down on you, it could just be your insecurities showing, and their insecurities are being hidden. You may be actually confident in your life and your current situation but tomorrow things could be different.
I feel as if I am babbling a bit, and I'm not sure all of that made sense. My basic goal was just to say that you never really know what someone else is going through. You can't claim you are not judgmental and follow it with a statement how you don't like people with perfect lives judging you. That is a contradiction, because you just judged these so-called "perfect" people. Yes, we all have flaws.

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