Thursday, November 4, 2010

back to drugs

I never finished my entry about drugs. There's not too much to say other than don't do them and don't surround yourself with people who do them. Do you really want to gain friends who are nobody bums and lose friends that are going places? I know I do not want to associate myself with drug users. I don't see the point, when all they can do is bring you down. There is nothing uplifting and positive and goal achieving about drugs, plain and simple. Not to generalize too much but common characteristics/side effects of a person who does drugs are as follows, and if you don't want to follow the same path, then quit while you're ahead.
1. lack of motivation, laziness
2. money problems, which only get worse
3. poor school or work attendance/ work ethic
4. delinquency (particularly theft)
5. personal, family and social problems
6. poorly adjusts to new environments
7. use of multiple drugs, experimenting
8. poor short term memory, memory loss
9. trouble concentrating
10. lower intelligence scores
11. depression, anxiety, heightened anger, low self-esteem
12. little to no future goals
13. high adolescent rebellion
14. strong peer influence (if you quit hanging out with other drug users, its easier to quit drugs).
15. criminal justice system involvement, you are going to get caught at some point.
16. premature internal aging, breathing difficulties and deteriorating physical abilities.

sounds like a lot of fun.... don't you think?

oh and I forgot to mention #17. death.

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