Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Is anyone ever really homeless?

Something dawned on me tonight as I entered the subway I always ride to get home, something, rather someone was missing. Just about every time I go down the stairs into the subway, there is a homeless man waiting at the bottom of the staircase shaking his hand of change at me as I walk by. Tonight he wasn't there and although he isn't there every single time I enter/exit the subway, tonight I noticed the wall behind where he stands. It is a strange thing to notice; a wall in the subway. Who would ever take a second look at it? But, when you look at the picture below that I took on my camera phone you might see what I realized. (The quality of the picture is not the best, but hopefully it is clear enough to get an idea). This man really does spend every day here. He spends so much time in that one spot in fact, that the wall shows exactly where he leans. If a home is a place of shelter from the elements, a place where you feel comfortable, a place that is familiar, who is to say that this man cannot call that spot his home? He may have another home somewhere else where he sleeps, but is anyone ever really homeless? Or, can we find an unconventional place to call home, even on the streets?

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