Sunday, November 14, 2010

Messy Excuses

I'm not sure how I should start this one out because I really don't mean to direct it at anyone but people are probably going to take it personally. I guess they should though, because what's the point of blogging advice unless someone listens to it? So, here we go, and if any of this applies to you, then great! We all have room for self-improvement!
Step 1. Stop giving excuses for why you haven't; pursued your dreams, done the household chores, broken up with the guy that you know is bad news, kept your promise, taken your girlfriend out on a date, showed up on time ever, etc etc. I could go on and on, but if you feel you are not doing things that you should be doing. Stop shelling out excuses all the time because eventually people will no longer believe them, and get really irritated.
Step 2. Make an effort. Change doesn't come over night but get up early and try to change those things that you keep giving excuses for. Apply for as many jobs as you can in one day. Take ten minutes to clean the dishes that have been there all week. Make that call and tell the guy you aren't going to take him back this time. Follow through with something you've been saying you would do. Make a dinner reservation, show up, and pay. Leave extra early to make sure you are on time. A little effort goes a long way in making the people you care about happy, even making the people you don't care about happy.
Step 3. Do it again, and then some. Once you do something, it is easier to get into a habit of doing it. The hardest part is Step 2, its pretty smooth sailing from there. for example, getting yourself to the gym is hard sometimes when we lack motivation, but once you go and see the benefits and great results, you get addicted and want to go everyday. One trip applying for jobs may not be enough to land one, so go again every day until you get something. Once you've completed the dishes, take out the trash, and sweep the floor, and scrub the toilet, and the next day, don't leave the dishes around for another week, keep them clean. When that guy calls you, don't answer and let him convince you to see him, be done and then go find yourself someone else to go on a date with. Once you've kept one promise, think back and try to remember other promises that went unfulfilled and fulfill them. One date should last her a year or so right? No. Your lady deserves to be treated like a queen, after all, I'm sure she cooks nice dinners for you, etc and if you are feeling that your girl isn't treating you right, then go find one that will, but break up with the bad one first. No excuses, no cheating. Some jobs have a cap on the number of times you can be late in a given time period, so watch out, once you've started getting to work on time, try to keep it up everyday to avoid losing your job, or your girlfriend who is sick of waiting around for you.
Step 4. If the habit breaks, get back on track. Nobody is perfect, we all slip up. We have a bad interview that discourages us, a really dirty pan that you dread having to scrub, he texts you "I miss you" and your heart melts, you made a promise you knew you couldn't keep, you forgot her birthday, you overslept. Whatever the excuse is, you need to start back at step 1 and get back on track. No matter what the excuse is, it is always something manageable and something you can change. God will never give you more than you can handle.
Good luck everyone, and heres to making our new year's resolutions a bit early this year!

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