Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Spidey Sense

I think as humans we have a sense when something is going wrong for another human. Most of us have an instinct to nutter those who are troubled. It is only natural then, for us to reach out when we see or hear or feel something wrong.
Whenever a relationship is going through a rough spot, other people seem to suddenly come flying out of the woodwork. For instance, say a couple is going through a rough patch, all of a sudden, all of the girl's exes try to get in contact with her. I can only speculate if the same is true for men going through a breakup. Guys, do you suddenly get girls clamoring for your affection as soon as your girlfriend and you are in a fight?
The opposite is often true as well. For instance, being single and looking for love can take months and seem to drag on. Yet, when you finally decide to stop looking for love, it finds you. We are turned off by desperation. We can sense when a person just wants to be with us, to be with someone, versus allowing a relationship to form naturally out of two non-desperate individuals getting to know one another.
Have you ever been turned off from dating someone because they seemed desperate? Were they too clingy? Why do we desire affection when we don't get it, and then as soon as someone gives us what we want, we don't want them?
Is dating a never ending game of cat and mouse? Why can't we be blissfully happy and content showing the same level of affection we are receiving? Why can't we decide what we want and stick with it? If you want someone's undying love, attention and affection, you should return the same, and if you don't get what you want, move on.
We have so much difficulty cutting ties. We'd rather be unhappy and with someone than be alone. What if you could be happy alone? Or what if there is someone else out there who will make you happy? Someone who wants to show you the same level of affection that you want to show them?
Back to the Spidey sense business, if you find yourself struggling to find happiness where you are at, and members of the opposite sex are suddenly picking up on this and vying for your attention, give it to them. If you're unhappy there is nothing wrong with seeing if there is someone else out there who can make you happy.
You may find that everyone else fails in comparison to your man or your girl and end up staying with them and compromising together to bring your relationship to a happy place again. You may find that everyone else out there makes your current situation seem dismal and you can make the appropriate choices for yourself.
I do not condone cheating while in a relationship. If your relationship is that bad that you're willing to cheat, then just break up. You need to determine what you and your partner consider cheating. Most don't assume simply talking to a member of the opposite sex is cheating. It depends what you and your partner feel comfortable and happy with, so as to not lose the trust in the relationship. If your relationship is on the rocks, just keep yourself open to finding a happy hour.

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