Monday, November 28, 2011


Do you believe in fate? Free will? Destiny? Are we all players in God's great game of Sims?
I believe in God and that we all have a purpose in life. I believe He chooses who is conceived. The rest of our choices are up to us. I also believe that he can change factors in your life. He can perform miracles. He can sway the odds in your favor. He can answer prayers. Sometimes that answer is no.
We expect God to step in when we make a mess of our lives but forget to thank him along the way. We expect everything to go in our favor but forget that it is He who must have favor upon us.
What do you all think about fate? Do you think God places certain people in your life intentionally or is it coincidence? Have you ever rekindled an old romance? Have you ran into an old friend years later at just the time you needed someone?
I suppose I'm not convinced entirely on free will versus fate. Keep an eye out for more upcoming blogs as I delve deeper into this question.

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