Monday, May 30, 2011

Ladies, why do we torture ourselves?

Today while helping a woman pick out a lipgloss, I realized that we torture ourselves because of other women. We don't do it for the men, as her husband said that particular lipgloss made her look like she just finished a frosted donut, and she bought it anyway. We don't want men to know how much goes into our makeup application, because deep down, we know they'd prefer if we didn't put on so much. So, do we put our masks on to impress other women? Or, attempt to look better than the rest of them to hold the attention of our man? What is it?

Here are a bunch of ways women tortures themselves, and it'd be a lot easier if none of us did any of this, but for some reason, we can't help it.
1. We look at wedding dresses and engagement rings before we find the right man.
2. We pick out possible baby names before a positive pregnancy test.
3. We wax, shave, pluck everything.
4. We burn our hair with various irons, dyes, chemical relaxers and blow driers.
5. We cover our faces with things that we have no idea what they are made of, and usually don't care as long as it looks good. (Check out this site for a detailed list of all the things you should try to avoid for their dangerous health effects. Deadly Cosmetics )
6. We deprive ourselves of yummy food.
7. We go into debt over a pair of shoes that we had to have.
8. We lose sleep because all of the preparations that we must do before we leave the house.
9. We change something and wait for him to notice.
10. We point out our every flaw, just so that everyone around us knows that we know they're there.

I say we stop all this. Let's stop torturing ourselves and enjoy life. I've posted about this a lot lately, that you need to do things for you, and not do them for anyone else. Take it slow. Breathe. Don't rush to make any decision may it be the man you marry or the shoes you want to buy. Enjoy it and don't torture yourself, especially over things that are out of your control.


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Who do we dress for?

I've touched on this topic previously but I am intrigued to delve a little bit deeper. When we get dressed, who are we trying to impress? Do we dress for comfort, silhouette, to fit in, to impress someone else, or do we dress to feel a certain way?
I tend to believe that the majority of people put together outfits with a specific outcome in mind. We seek approval from others by nature, so we wear what is in style at the time even if we think it's ugly.
Some women (and lots of men) dress for comfort. Their minds are preoccupied on other things rather than impressing anyone with their clothes. Many moms give the excuse that they have no time to dress themselves because their children are their first priority. Yes, your children should come first but that doesn't mean you should feel second best and treat yourself as such.
Others dress by silhouette. And often times they get it wrong. Some people who are a bit heavier think wearing tight fitting clothes will suck them in, au contraire, it shows off every little curve, dimple and fold. Others think wearing oversized clothes will make them look smaller. The opposite does not rain true on this one. You will look larger because the eye can only see the silhouette you've created with that muumuu.
Although black is slimming, that doesn't mean you should dress for a funeral on a daily basis. Do some research online and find out what fits will flatter your figure and what color does to your shape. Maybe I'll write a blog about this soon.
For now, back to who we dress for. Do we ever just dress for ourselves and buy something that none of our friends would approve of because we like the way it looks on the rack and we love the way it feels on?
If you answered no, here is my suggestion, go shopping alone. Go by yourself and don't ask any other person their opinion. Don't ask for help from a salesperson, don't ask the girl in the fitting room stall next to you. Ask yourself. How do I feel in this? Confident? Sexy? Happy? Dressing for yourself instead of trying to appease others will make you a happier and more confident person. And don't be surprised when you get complimented on your new look, because beauty really does come from within and when you are happy and comfortable in your own skin, and in your own style, it will radiate.
Disclaimer: dressing for yourself on a job interview may not be a good idea if your style is ripped shirts and miniskirts. Unless of course that job interview is for Hooters.

Good luck on your next shopping trip!

Follow Your Instincts

Unless you are a serial killer without a conscience, you have a gut feeling when something is wrong. You can tell when your BFF is upset. You can tell when someone is watching you. You can tell when someone is trying to use you or when they have good intentions.
Listen to your heart. If you feel something is wrong, don't be afraid to speak up. If something seems too good to be true, I probably is. Now that's not to say that you should go around with a pessimistic attitude, but more so to be realistic, alert and over-aware of what's going on.
Noticing the things that go unnoticed can safe your life, start a friendship, save a relationship, get you a job or promotion, and improve the way you enjoy life.
So, take note of the small things and always go with your gut. Your first instinct is usually right. Don't ignore it or shrug it off or try to talk yourself out of feeling a certain way.
Happy soul searching!

Friday, May 27, 2011

What is normal?

I was discussing bad parenting with a co-worker of mine yesterday and we brought up the question, "What is normal anymore?" Her response was that a normalcy comes in the form of stability. But what determines if you are a stable person? Financial stability doesn't necessarily equate to mental stability. So, if you are financially stable, but mentally unstable, does that make you normal? Maybe the norm today is instability. It seems to me that everyone is unstable in some part of their life. May it be financially, emotionally, mentally, relationship-wise, career-wise, etc, everyone has room for improvement.
Is it normal to be happy? Or, have we switched over to becoming such a pessimistic world that normal is to be stressed out like the majority of the population? Does location and surroundings determine what is normal, or is it a feeling from within? For instance, say I wear the same clothes as all my friends, go to the same clubs, work at the same job, and have the same basic views and education as all of them. While that would be close to impossible of happening, let's just use this as an example. Then, I would be considered normal, right? However, if I kept everything about myself the same, but transferred my job to a new location in a new city, I would no longer be considered normal. So, at the end of the day, the term normal might as well be lost from our language, because it longer has any meaning. It is simply a comparative term that nobody knows the definition of. Here's what Webster's has to say;

the usualaverageor typical state or condition her temperature was above normal the service will be back to normal next week.• a person who is physically or mentally healthy.
So if you are unhealthy in any way, you are not normal? With so many overweight people, and so many diseases and cancers growing rapidly, how can one say that physical health is a determining factor in normality? What if the majority of people are unhealthy? And how do you determine mental health, other than being diagnosed with a disorder? If you are stressed does that mean you are in good or poor mental health? Are the majority of Americans stressed? 
Hopefully these are some questions you can ask yourself in order to open your views about others. Because, at the end of the day, you are no more normal than that person sitting next to you on the subway that you are judging in your head.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Summer's worst fashion faux pas

These are scary things lurking in every town across America this summer, so watch out ladies and gentlemen and don't let yourself be caught in one of them. Most of these I've already witnessed on the subways and streets of NYC and of course, cringed.
My compilation of the summer's 10 worst fashion faux pas:
1. Crocs. They were never stylish, never chic, and never, ever will be.

2. Exposed muffin top. Please keep your shirts long and loose fitting. You will be cooler without that nylon polyester blend clung to your every curve, and everyone around you will be a lot more comfortable as well.

3. Socks with sandals. I'm not sure if this is really #3, it might be #1. Please do not wear socks with open toed shoes ever, not with heels, wedges, flip-flops, any sandal, period. This is almost as bad as when toes protrude past the end of their sandals because they bought the wrong size.

4. Excess body hair/fake hair. Your toupee is as convincing as the guy who cried "apocalypse." No need to sweat under that giant wig, toupee, or hair piece in the hot summer. Excess body hair needs to go. That's why its called excess. Make an appointment for a waxing asap!

5. Speedos. When at the beach, (or in public, hey, it's NYC), speedos are not appropriate unless you are a hot six-pack slinging European. Other than that, it's just creepy.

6. Clear plastic bra straps. Girls wear these with tube tops and think suddenly everyone has lost the ability to see those shiny things on their shoulders. It's tacky and cheap. It'd rather see a bright colored bra strap that goes with your top than a clear plastic one. You know that its only going to make you sweat and be uncomfortable anyway. Or you could join the 21st century and buy a strapless or convertible bra. No excuses, they have them at Conway for $5.99

7. Orange fake tan/red sunburn. A healthy glow is great but don't forget your SPF, or else you'll get dark age spots in a few years, or worse, skin cancer. Also once you burn and then peel, you will look all splotchy for a while. I recommend getting just a little sun, while using sunscreen, and adding a nice tan bronzer for glow. Make sure it doesn't have an orange finish.

8. Noticeable underwear under white pants. Stick to nude thongs ladies, and try to find white pants in thicker fabrics. We don't need to see your red hearts undies through your white linen pants.

9. Overly matching or overly mismatched. I saw a woman on the subway with a black and white polka dots patterned top and a different polka dot pair of leggings. Scary. Subtly mismatching is fine but limit your prints and bright colors in the summer when neon is all the rage. This goes for seasons as well. Pick one, don't wear Ugg boots with short shorts a tank top and a scarf.

10. Un-pedicured feet. Yes we've all had chipped polish on our toes. Try to make an effort to get a pedicure before the flip-flops come out. If you have hairy feet, wax them. If you have huge calluses, shave 'em down. If you have toe nails as long as the Mississippi River, you might want to clip those bad-boys.

Feel free to comment below to add those that you've seen, or those crimes that you've committed. I may add to this list as the summer goes on.

Monday, May 23, 2011

anything anywhere anytime

With today's technology, you can do anything, anywhere, at any time. Say you suddenly have the urge to travel to a foreign land. Well there's planes for that. Say you want to create your own movie. Well, lights, camera, action! Say you want to start your own business. The internet is full of entrepreneurial options.
Alright now let's say you want to do something really difficult. Give me some ideas and I will show you how possible it is using the technology we are blessed to have at our fingertips.
For instance, right now I am lying in bed typing this blog on my iPhone. Yes, there's an app for that. Earlier tonight I entertained myself playing some "Angry Birds" (if you aren't one of the 3 million+ people who have downloaded it already, get on that). There's nothing more entertaining than slingshotting a bunch of birds at blocks trying to kill green pigs. Before that I checked my email via phone and also played a couple rounds of "Words with Friends". This is scrabble the 21st century way. Board games are more like bored games now.
This is the digital age. We buy things with digital money. We play digital games. We have email versus using the post office. We get E-zines instead of newspapers and magazines. We drive cars, fly planes, and ride trains underground. We tan in beds instead of the sun and we run on treadmills instead of outside. We'd rather text than call. We prefer facebook to books and sometimes even to faces.
Are we spoiled? Has this made us lazy? The generation of instant gratification is now. We want our food made fast, and our wifi faster. Does this also make us think that we don't have to or shouldn't have to work hard? If everything comes so easy to us digitally, does this make it hard for us to accept when things take work?
What I mean is, what is the correlation, if any, between the advances in technology and laziness? Can we blame video games for us not exercising? Can we blame facebook for us never having real-life friendships? Can we blame cell phones and television for us not getting our chores around the house done? At what point do we start taking responsibility and decide to use technology to further us, to mature us, and to assist us in reaching our goals?
Technology is a great thing and it makes our lives a lot easier. But as of now, technology cannot clean your house for you. It cannot go to work for you. And it definitely cannot substitute for real human interaction.
I hope that we can find ways of putting down the games, myself included, and opening up our doors. There is so much world out there to see and google images just doesn't cut it.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

self worth

Things you may do when you feel low self worth:
1. Distance yourself from people you view with a higher worth than yourself.
2. Surround yourself with people of a low worth, people who have low education, do drugs, aren't goal or work-oriented.
3. Become lazy, lack goals, do drugs.
4. Follow what others do around you to try to fit in.
5. You play the victim, and don't take responsibility for your actions or your life. Allowing others to make decisions for you.
6. Constantly comparing yourself to others. Either in your head or vocally, looking for assurance from others that you look good. Searching for the wrong type of attention by dressing slutty, sending provocative pictures, etc in order to attempt to boost your self-esteem.
7. You begin to feel that hurtful actions done to you by others were deserved. Such as, verbal abuse, or physical.

Ways to combat low self-worth:
1. Surround yourself with uplifting people who are goal-oriented and who will help you up not pull you down.
2. Get rid of "friends" who also have low self esteem and who want you to share in their pain.
3. Start setting goals and sticking to a plan of achieving them. You will feel much better about yourself once you can see your accomplishments.
4. Start your own trends. Don't do what everyone else is doing. Blending in won't build your self-worth. Standing out by being a leader will build you up.
5. Take action and take responsibility. Burning bridges doesn't help you get across, so instead start mending old wounds and slowly build up from there. Make peace with past regrets. Try to own up and act like an adult and you will feel worthy of being called an adult because you will feel independent only by being independent.
6. Start changing your thoughts to 'do I feel good?', rather than 'do I look good?'. What matters is what you feel on the inside,  not how others perceive you to be on the outside. Your self-worth is just that, it is up to you. Nobody else determines your self-worth but you.
7. Stand up for yourself. Get out of bad relationships that are going nowhere, because you deserve better. 

All of these steps relate to one another. You need to take responsibility for your actions, look in the mirror and start your day with a better view on yourself. You need to make goals and reach them and start step by step towards a better you. Becoming independent of others will make you feel great. Stop depending on others for compliments to make you feel good about yourself. Stop depending on others to take care of things you should be taking care of and you will feel instantly more self-worth because you will have accomplished something. Even if it is as small as paying a bill on your own, or taking initiative to clean up, you will feel a sense of accomplishment when it is done. Likewise, setting career goals, relationship goals, health goals, etc and accomplishing them will bring you joy. 
Remember, the most important thing is how you perceive yourself, not how others perceive you.


The title of this post is referencing an all too surreal industry standard for models. Top agencies expect models to come in at 5' 10" tall with a bust measurement of 32, waist at 23, and hips at 32, inches that is. Some media outlets claim that the industry is taking a turn to the more "healthy" looking model. Fact is. That is far from the truth. The camera really does add ten pounds. So, to get a model that looks great in their size 0 samples, they really need a true size 0, if not a 00.
It's kind of hard to imagine what exactly a 00 is. Some people are naturally skinny with a hyper-speed metabolism and born structure that allows them to shimmy through small cracks in walls. Others can achieve the same look with a proper diet of lean meats and fresh fruits and vegetables and a lot of exercise.
Some people can only achieve this unhealthily. Those are the people I want to talk to in this blog. Those of you, who are like me. Who make the conscious decision to make it as far as you can, without starving yourself. I am happy and content accepting what the industry standard is and being open and honest about what I am. I am not industry standard. I am not as tall or as thin as the girl next to me. But against all odds, I am booking jobs. I am going out and having fun. I am walking through the streets of New York confidently, knowing that every other person who sees me, thinks I am a model. They know it because of the way I dress, the way I hold myself, (and possibly the large back with my portfolio and heels sticking out of it). Haha.
I want to tell you all my measurements just so you can see the reality of the situation. I am 5' and 7 3/4" tall.  My measurements are 34-27-37. I weigh about 128lbs. Although, it fluctuates depending on the time of day I measure.
Another surprising reality, if my hips were 3 inches larger, I would be considered a plus sized model. Yup, plus sized with a hip measurement of 40 inches. That is the harsh reality of the modeling world. And you know what? I chose to be a part of this world. I chose to be in it because of the feeling I get when I'm on the runway. The feeling I get when I'm in front of the camera, in front of a crowd. The fantasy you can bring to the table that one minute, you are just another girl with fresh washed hair and no makeup riding the subway, and the next you are posing for billboards in Malaysia. When you model, or when you act, you can morph into any character imaginable. You can be the Houdini of 2011, you can be an African queen or a space-aged Lady Gaga, well, Lady Gaga is already space-aged, so we'll just say you can be her for a day.
Any ways, if you have the desire to be in an industry where you do not fit the mold, that is okay. Be yourself. They can either take it or leave it. Don't go to extreme lengths to change yourself to be what everyone else wants because you will not be happy. Are boney shoulder beautiful? Yes, to some people, including myself, they can be. But, I don't have them, and it's okay. I like desserts. I eat them. I can't change my height. My DNA only allowed me to reach the height I am at. So, I throw some heels on, and hope for the best.
Work with what you got sista! Wear clothes that flatter your figure, your style, and your bank account. Don't spend money you don't have on trying to impress other people. If you want to splurge on something every now and then on something that makes you feel good, then do it. But don't spend money on designer clothes thinking it will get you anywhere. A well dressed person will always be looked upon with more favor than a person ill-dressed with labels.
Remember, no matter what obstacles you face, you were created unique and special and you have a purpose. There is no body else in the world like you. Go be your fierce self!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Giving up is never an option

Everything worth having is worth fighting for. If you want to be successful in any field, it is going to take hard work. Plain and simple. If you think that magically it is going to come to you; that you'll be discovered by the director of a major fashion magazine and they'll put you on the cover the following day, you're only fooling yourself. Even if, by chance, you met some important person who was also impressed by your first introduction, they wouldn't hand you success, you'd still have to work for it.
They might give you a small shot, like say, a little exposure from being in a small picture on page 96, but from there you'd have to still work hard. If you showed up late, didn't try very hard, etc, that would be your first and last shot. The same goes for any field. You have to apply and apply and audition and audition. You will get turned down. You will feel like success is unattainable at times. You will feel like an interview went great and you definitely got the job, only to never hear back from them. That's life. But during those times that you don't get the jobs, embrace it. Because it will make getting the next one even sweeter.
For instance, I do fit modeling work, which is during the production process of clothing. I try on the garments and we pin and cut and fit them perfectly to my body. Apparently, my parents genes worked out to be a perfectly proportionate size 4 body. I must have been on 6 or 7 castings for various designers from DKNY to Alexander Wang and everyone wanted someone with experience. I didn't really have much in that line of modeling, until finally I booked Catherine Malandrino. A huge client, who I'm still working for.  Now I will have a much easier time booking other fit clients because of the experience I am currently gaining.
Never give up. Giving up is not an option. You have to keep going, because eventually, you will see the fruits of your labor. Success is a ladder, not a human cannon. You have to climb your way up, because nobody is going to push, pull or throw you there if you won't take the necessary steps on your own.
Good Luck!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Move Mountains

You know the saying, "If God can do anything, can he create a rock so large that he cannot lift it?"
This statement alone sparks debate. However, I have found one solid response which lies in free will. He could have created us to follow his every command. Instead, he created us with free will. He chooses not to force us to love him. He lets us chose him. I believe the same thing goes for a rock. He could chose to create a rock that is so large that he couldn't, or would decidedly not move.
The fact that he created us with free will and he chose to create us in a manner so that he couldn't, or would chose not to force us into loving him, is evidence, that he could create a rock so large that he couldn't move it. Or at least a rock that he created with the intention of never moving it. Either way, God can do the impossible, and all things are possible through him. (Even creating large immobile rocks).
So, don't waste your time skipping pebbles on the water. Make moves. Move mountains. He blesses us and wants to prosper us. Don't waste your time doing things that everyone knows are possible. Press the limits on what is impossible. Pu-pu-push it to the limit.


p.s. Was that last line a bit too corny?

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I've designed a few tattoos for friends but I'll never design one that falls into one of these categories below.
I don't understand why girls get tattoos of their boyfriends' names on their ring finger. Shouldn't he put a ring on that finger before you permanently put his name there? Clearly he is not ready to commit to you, so why are you so eager to make such a huge commitment? Why do we tattoo other people's names on our body anyway? Unless you have some magical fortune teller powers that tell you that you are going to be with this person for the rest of your life, why do it?
On the contrary, I completely understand tribute and memorial tattoos of family members or close friends who've passed away. A tattoo should mean something to you. It should mean something final. Something unchangeable, because it, in itself is unchangeable.
I don't have any tattoos but a lot of the people I know do. I don't think I'll ever get a tattoo personally, but I'm not against them. I try to live by the motto, live life without regrets. Nothing has happened to me that I'd want tattooed on me. I am sure that if I had a tattoo, I'd probably regret it, because it wouldn't have any meaning for me as of now.
If you are thinking about a tattoo, make sure it is something unchangeable in your life. Don't get a tattoo of your favorite rock band, because they will likely split up in 6 months. Don't get a tattoo of a flower, star, hearts, etc, because it is very unlikely that you will still find the design beautiful and meaningful in a few years. Don't get a boyfriend/girlfriend's name, initials, anniversary date, etc tattooed on you, because your next boyfriend/girlfriend won't like it very much.
Don't get swears tattooed. Nobody will take you seriously if you have an expletive branded on you.
Don't get tattoos in places you can't hide, such as your neck, wrists, hands, feet. If you disagree with this, please name one millionaire with visible tattoos, other than rock stars and pro-athletes please. Also, ask someone who has them there and see what job they currently hold, and see if they have ever been asked o cover their tattoo every day before coming to work. That is quite a hassle.
Don't get tattoos on the small of your back, otherwise known as the tramp stamp. We all know your purpose in doing this is to attract men, and it will, for all the reasons you intended it. Trouble is, finding a man that will take you seriously as anything other than a tramp after seeing your tramp stamp.
Don't get tattoos on your face. Probably the worst idea of them all. Can you imagine your wedding photos with a tear drop tattooed under your eye, or even better, on an interview for a job that requires a background check?
Don't get symbols in other languages unless you are 500% positive you know what it means or else, the symbol "truth" could just mean "toe-jam."
Don't get a joke tattooed on your body, especially if you lost a bet. Your "friends" will accept your decline to get the tattoo if you pay them each off $20, trust me its a good investment.

Other than those, I'm sure there are several other types of tattoos you shouldn't get. Before you get inked, make sure that the design is something with a huge meaning on your life. Make sure that it's in a place that allows you to enter into any profession you choose. Make sure you go to a reputable shop and see the design first. I recommend having the artist sketch it out and that you keep the sketch for 6 months. If you still want the same design 6 months later, then get it. Impulse tattoos are never a good idea.

Happy inks!

New Yorkers

When visiting New York City there are a few things you should know. The first thing you need to know is how to tell a fellow tourist from a New Yorker. 
1. New Yorkers speed walk. Tourists stop in the middle of the sidewalk and/or stroll at a snails pace.
2. New Yorkers look at their phones while walking (at the speed of light). Tourists can't multitask.
3. New Yorkers cross the street when it is clear. Tourists will wait 5 minutes for the little white man walking symbol even if no cars have passed in the last 4 minutes.
4. New Yorkers ignore bums. Tourists give them money (to feed their habits).
5. New Yorkers will step on pigeons if they get in the way. Tourists feed them.
6. New Yorkers look at the sidewalks and/or phones as stated above. Tourists look up at buildings.
7. New Yorkers weave in and out of crowds and on bikes weave in and out of traffic. Tourists create crowds by standing there and create traffic by not knowing how to drive in the city.
8. New Yorkers go into buildings. Tourists take pictures in front of them.
9. New Yorkers check their pockets after being bumped into. Tourists say, "I'm sorry."
10. New Yorkers will give you directions like 4 blocks downtown, 3 blocks east. Tourists pull out maps.
11. New Yorkers dress in business suits or like 70's hippies. Tourists wear visors and fanny packs.

The next thing you need to know is where to find good grub.
Do not travel all the way to New York City and eat at Olive Garden, Red Lobster, or Ruby Tuesdays. You can eat that back home. Go somewhere that you can only find in New York. For a quick slice of pizza on the run, hit up any of the Three Brother's Pizza places for a $.99 slice. Ever tried Halal? If not, there are plenty of vendors on practically every corner. For a famous restaurant with great giant sandwiches, try Carnegie Deli. If you are craving any type of food ever invented, you can find it in New York City. Make use of my instructions on how to tell a New Yorker from a tourist, and ask a New Yorker where to find good eats in the neighborhood.

Things to do. 
Yes, go to all the tourist sights. Check out Times Square, Central Park, shopping on 5th Ave and Macy's Herald Square, etc. But don't waste your money on a $40/per person tour bus ride. Get a map and take the subway. Go see the Statue of Liberty but don't waste your money on a boat tour. Take the Staten Island ferry for free. Buy tickets for Broadway shows the day of the show from the Tkts booth under the stairs in Times Square. This will usually save you 40%. Also check out websites that list free things to do in the city everyday. Most museums in the city are free on certain days or have a 'suggested donation', such as the Met, (Metropolitan Museum of Art for all your tourists), which means you can give them a nickel, or a dollar or a five and will be allowed entrance.

Meatpacking district is where all the locals go for swanky nightlife. Clubs to check out, if you can get in, SL, 1Oak, Park, Avenue, Griffin, Bunker, Gansevoort. Dress Codes are strictly enforced everywhere. No jeans, no sneakers. If you are looking for a younger crowd, Webster Hall is a pretty cool place to see, especially on Saturdays when they have Circus nights. You will find lots of cool pubs and bars on any street.

Where to stay.
If you don't know anyone who lives in the city, get a hotel room in Queens or Brooklyn near a subway stop and ride the subway into the city. It should save you a lot of money, but check out various prices on comparison websites before you book. Don't forget to check if they have a complimentary breakfast. If a family of four gets complimentary breakfast at a hotel that costs $150 a night, but doesn't get one at the hotel that costs $130 a night, go for the more expensive hotel, because breakfast has the highest markup of any meal and can cost a lot in the city.

The subway.
Do not be scared of the subway. You might get lost, but not after the first two days of your trip. Ask for directions, and read signs. Maps are posted everywhere and New Yorkers are usually willing and happy to help. Sure its a little dusty, okay very dirty, and there are bums everywhere. But, the bums are usually harmless other than the odor they give off, especially in the summer. The subways are much safer than depicted in movies. Keep your guard up, and your purse in your hand, but there is really nothing to worry about. Ha ha, I made it sounds so good, huh?

So, tourists! We welcome you to our lovely home. Come look at the buildings we forget about. Enjoy the bright lights that keep our blinds closed. Take in the beauty of the sights we take for granted. But whatever you do, do not stop in the middle of the sidewalk. That is like stopping your car in the middle of the highway.


Saturday, May 7, 2011


Tonight on my way home from work, the subway was packed. I was standing up, holding onto the pole, staring at my reflection in the window and thinking to myself. I felt pretty. I felt confident. I felt as if people on the train saw me and saw something great, even if they didn't, I didn't care. I thought, "I wish every girl in the world could feel happy about themselves; feel confident; feel pretty." Like everyone, at times, I feel like I could lose a few pounds here or there. At times I feel like my nose is too big, or I'm not tall enough, or my ears stick out.
The fact is, we waste too much of our lives thinking about what we'd like to change instead of thinking about how great we are just the way we are. Let's feel confident more often. Let's feel pretty. Life is so much more enjoyable when you are happy with yourself and don't have to stress about being self-conscious. I wish that every girl could feel happy, confident, and pretty. Hopefully in time, I will help at least some, if not all, to feel that self-confidence more frequently. We all deserve to feel good about ourselves.
You are beautiful. God made you just the way you are, flawless. You have a purpose, and it is great.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Model City

Location plays a huge role in the opportunities that we have. That's why it is so great that more and more opportunities are coming to those in small towns. For example, if you've ever watched America's Next Top Model, they always have a few girls from small towns in the midwest, they have one girl who lives in a trailer park, one girl who grew up in a shelter somewhere, and then they throw in some girls who are from big cities as well to make "good tv." Well, you may think they just do it for viewership, but whatever their reasoning, it still gives an opportunity to someone who might not have another one otherwise. It is very difficult to break into the entertainment industry living in a town that doesn't have one. I can tell you first hand, living in Connecticut and trying to make it big in modeling, is a challenge. Moving to New York City made it a bit easier to get the jobs, but it is still a struggle. With more opportunity comes more competition. Nobody said it was going to be easy, and its not, but the more you try the more success you will find. You can never get booked for a job you don't try for. Don't take it to heart when you don't get booked. It doesn't mean you aren't good enough, tall enough, skinny enough, beautiful enough, it just means you weren't the look they were going for in this particular job. Eventually, someone will be looking for your look. There are opportunities out there, you just have to go search for them. They don't come to you. So, this advice goes out to all of you who live in small towns and don't think you have a chance in a million. Move. Yes, you're going to have to save up some money to do so. Yes, you might not know a single person by name for weeks. Yes, you're going to be lonely at times. Yes, it will be a struggle. But know this, it is worth it. Whether you try and succeed or try and fail, at least you tried. Isn't it better to live knowing you tried than to wonder for the rest of your life, what if? Live without regrets. If your opportunities are limited for success in what you want to do with your life, move your life. It's okay to fail, people will respect you for your courage to try, but nobody will commend you for giving up without a fight. Good luck in all your endeavors!