Monday, May 30, 2011

Ladies, why do we torture ourselves?

Today while helping a woman pick out a lipgloss, I realized that we torture ourselves because of other women. We don't do it for the men, as her husband said that particular lipgloss made her look like she just finished a frosted donut, and she bought it anyway. We don't want men to know how much goes into our makeup application, because deep down, we know they'd prefer if we didn't put on so much. So, do we put our masks on to impress other women? Or, attempt to look better than the rest of them to hold the attention of our man? What is it?

Here are a bunch of ways women tortures themselves, and it'd be a lot easier if none of us did any of this, but for some reason, we can't help it.
1. We look at wedding dresses and engagement rings before we find the right man.
2. We pick out possible baby names before a positive pregnancy test.
3. We wax, shave, pluck everything.
4. We burn our hair with various irons, dyes, chemical relaxers and blow driers.
5. We cover our faces with things that we have no idea what they are made of, and usually don't care as long as it looks good. (Check out this site for a detailed list of all the things you should try to avoid for their dangerous health effects. Deadly Cosmetics )
6. We deprive ourselves of yummy food.
7. We go into debt over a pair of shoes that we had to have.
8. We lose sleep because all of the preparations that we must do before we leave the house.
9. We change something and wait for him to notice.
10. We point out our every flaw, just so that everyone around us knows that we know they're there.

I say we stop all this. Let's stop torturing ourselves and enjoy life. I've posted about this a lot lately, that you need to do things for you, and not do them for anyone else. Take it slow. Breathe. Don't rush to make any decision may it be the man you marry or the shoes you want to buy. Enjoy it and don't torture yourself, especially over things that are out of your control.


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