Thursday, June 9, 2011


I want to let everyone know about an awesome tool to get fit for the summer. There is a free download app for smart phones called MyFitnessPal. They also have a website if you don't have a smart phone. This app allows you to set a weight loss or weight gain goal or just if you want to maintain your current body weight. It breaks down what your daily caloric intake should be for your goal. Then, every day touching in everything you ate and drank and it finds the calories and adds them up for you. If you plug it in throughout the day, it subtracts the calories from the total and shows you how many you have left to go. You also plug in any exercise and activities you do and it counts up how many calories you've burned by doing those activities. You can also add friends on it and track each other's achievements and send each other motivational messages. This is a great benefit because if you try to lose weight with a friend, you are three times more likely to reach your goal than going it alone.
I signed up already. My login name is mchllhottie6. If you want to track my healthy eating plan or would like me to help you through, please sign up and add me. Best of all, it's all free!

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