Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Tonight the subway station by my house was getting a power-wash and a crazy man wearing a blue rain coat and rain hat was stomping around yelling it's a monsoon! No, mister, it's a power-wash. But this got me thinking. What if we went around with a new perspective on life? Say, every time you saw a puddle, you imagined you just discovered the fountain of youth.
Now, don't go submerging your face in any New York City puddles, but my point is that if you look at life from a whole new perspective, a more imaginative, more fun, more optimistic angle, would it bring your life more joy?
So take a lesson from this crazy man braving the subway monsoon, and try to have fun with life. Try to be more optimistic and entertain yourself and you will find happiness in everyday situations that you never thought you would.
Maybe your next subway ride is a roller coaster that doesn't strap you in, and if you don't hold on, you could fall. Maybe your run to work weaving in and out of the crowds is now a search and rescue mission in the thick vegetation of a rain forest. Maybe that cab is a space shuttle not taking you to your next appointment, but taking you to a new planet.
It may sound childish, but children are so full of joy and they don't have the stresses of the real world that adults do. Using our imagination is a skill we learned at a very young age. Have we forgotten how?

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