Sunday, November 13, 2011

Knowing your worth

Sometimes we forget how much value we really have. We let others diminish our worth by believing their opinions as fact. We succumb to pressure to appease people that don't even have our best interest in mind. They don't have our interests in mind at all actually, only their own. Why is being liked so much more important than being happy? Why do we put our partner's wants, dreams, and desires over our own? So far over our own, in fact, that we give up our wants, dreams, and desires altogether and simply do whatever he or she wants?
We are raised to keep up with the Jones. We are bred to believe that popularity equals happiness and worth. That our value is based on quantity not quality. However, I intend to change this mindset for myself. I want to value qualities in people I associate myself with. It is hard to let go of caring about what other people think. We are taught to ask others opinions before making decisions on our own. Why? Why can't we think about something, and without listening to anyone else, make a solid choice on what will make us happiest?
Some people in the past have told me that when I give advice it can come off as judgmental or condescending. My response to that, is that I am giving every piece of advice to myself as well. Every time I tell someone that they deserve better, I am telling it to myself. Every time I tell someone to stop being lazy and go after what they want, I am telling it to myself as well. You should never have a problem with someone trying to better you, trying to help you. I tell people to surround themselves with those who strive to better themselves, so that you too may succeed. The first thing I intend to do is lift up those around me.
For instance, Eber, you have a very giving and nurturing heart. I pray for a man to come into your life who measures up to what you deserve and to give you all that you give. Hold onto your friends because everyone needs a support system.
My mom, you are the greatest role model a daughter could ever ask for. You've shone me unconditional love and are the most loving and caring person I've ever met. There is no problem too big that you can't help any person solve. You have changed so many peoples lives with your sense when something is troubling someone, with you words and your faith. Most people try to avoid becoming their parents, and I strive to be like you.
My dad, you have taught me many things of what to expect in a future husband. You have taught me that following my dreams is possible and you have supported me the entire way. If a father's mission is to make his children feel loved and that there is someone proud of them, you have done your job, and continue to do so.
To all of my co-workers at Sephora, many of you don't know your worth. You should feel confident and steadfast knowing that hard work does pay off, and there is a time to move up or move on. There are many opportunities in front of you, and many opportunities that you have to search for. No body will ever fault you for bettering yourself. No body will ever tell you that you should stay where you are, because the world is a big place and it moves fast. Don't get left behind.
Caly, don't settle and sell yourself short of all the potential inside. Keep moving forward, you make friends very quickly and use that to your advantage, by surrounding yourself with people who are going places. I will always be there for you.
Deonne, you are a beautiful woman, inside and out. You are someone who can do it all and who works hard to go to school, work, and maintain a home and a marriage with your husband. Keep working hard because it will continue to pay off, and the light that God has surrounded you with will bring positive influences into your life and into your career. You are a friend that can always be counted on.
To all of my family and high school and college friends back in CT and everywhere else, be whatever you want to be, but make a name for yourself. Don't let others define you. You decide what you want to be remembered for. Go after whatever your heart desires, and get it!
To my New York friends, you've made it this far, so half the battle is over. Keep going, and persevere. You never know where you'll end up or what you'll become a part of. You can write your own history. Never forget where you started and always strive to help others better themselves as well.
To everyone, don't waste another day. Sooner than you expect you'll realize that things you wanted to accomplish have past. Don't sit back and let life pass you by. Do everything you can to make the desires of your heart come true. Do it now. If there is any part of you or your life that you want to change, change it, any part of yourself that you want to better, improve it. Know your worth and know that you can constantly add to your value on your own. You don't need anyone else to get you there.

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