Monday, September 12, 2011

Posing for Pictures 101

Here are some tips that every girl needs to know when posing for photos. This is not just for models, but for all women, or all sizes, posing for facebook, yearbook pictures, wedding photos, you name it. These rules apply to all occasions.

1. This is the most important tip I have, so please practice this one. Seriously, whoever told girls that sucking in their tummies would make them appear better in pictures, lied. When trying to appear thin in a photo, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT suck in your stomach and fill your lungs with air. This gives you a very wide, broad, stiff appearance. It virtually erases your neck completely. You have turned yourself into a linebacker with turtle-like neck shrinking capabilities. See exhibit A:

DO however, try to close your rib cage, and flatten your abs. Exhale. This will relax all of the tension in your upper body, tighten your abs, and make your upper body look much less broad. I feel like I am the first one to discover this, because nobody has ever told me this. Please, stop telling your friends and family to suck in their tummies in photos. Try it for yourself!

2. Do not try to camouflage your stomach, thighs, etc by hiding them with your arms. This will make you look wider, more box-y, and draw attention to the very area you are trying to hide.

Instead, Spread out your arms and legs. Create spaces in between them, that a background can show through. This creates a thinness to your arms, legs, and sides. It also draws the eye around the image, instead of looking at your trouble spot. It makes for more interesting photos.

3. Don't lose your limbs. This is modeling 101. The most basic thing to learn is to avoid becoming an amputee. Pay attention to what you are doing in every pose, especially when sitting down.

When trying to show off pockets, It is important to leave either your thumb or your four fingers out of the pocket. Otherwise, you look like you're missing a hand, and it cuts off the long line of your arm.

Yes:   Yes:

4. Neck positioning. You have to be careful when positioning your chin to the camera. Too high, and everyone will see up your nose. Too low, and you suddenly have lost your neck again, you ninja turtle.

Try to keep your chin level to the ground and play with varying angles to the left and right to elongate the neck line without showing everyone your boogers.

5. Don't be stiff, robotic, or do every pose that you saw in some catalog. The photographer will get very bored with you if for every shot you do one right hand on hip, left hand on hip, both hands on hips, repeat. Or, if you are taking facebook pictures, you don't want every picture to be the same couple poses either.

Instead, try poses with movement. Dance. Become an acrobat for an hour. Play with your facial expression. Be goofy, be serious, laugh, smile, cry, etc. Pretend, and become an actor for an hour!

Hope these tips help!

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