Friday, September 30, 2011

I'm a damsel

Last week I had a quick brush with fear in the city. After a girls night out, I walked a friend to her subway home and walked towards mine, only one block away. Just as I was about to get out my metrocard, I realized that my wallet wasn't in my purse. I had left it at a friend of a friend's house earlier in the night. We had already taken a cab uptown and the girl who had my wallet was all the way down by little Italy. There was no way I could walk to her apartment 50 blocks away. I couldn't pay for a cab because I had no wallet, and no money. I had no way to buy a subway ride. No way of walking home to Queens, 8 miles away.
I got a quick glimpse of what it feels like to be homeless in a way. They must feel lost, feel desperate, feel like they have no where to turn and no way of getting anywhere. Luckily, being a quick-thinker and problem-solver, and having some good friends saved my night. I walked 9 blocks to my job at Sephora, where the overnight stock guys were working away all night long. One was very nice to lend me $5 to buy a metrocard to get home, and get back into the city during the day to get my wallet. Everything went smoothly for the remainder of the story. I got home safe, got the phone number of the girl who's house my wallet was at, and arranged to pick it up the following day.
Had it been a different night, when there was no overnight employees scheduled, or had I not worked 9 blocks from where I realized I left my wallet, that night could of turned out much worse. I guess the moral of the story is how blessed I am to have the right things fall into place even when something starts to go really wrong. I am also very thankful that I have people in my life willing to step in when I do need help and ask for nothing in return.
As I tried to repay him the $5, he wouldn't accept it, saying that he would get it back in another form some day, in some way, from someone else, alluding to the great wonder of karma. I feel I should do something good to give back since I had the best luck that night and was given the gift of safety, something the majority of us take for granted. Let me know your ideas on what I can do to pay it forward.

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