Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Let your love go?

There is an old saying that goes something like this: If you love someone set them free. If they come back to you, then they are yours to keep.
I disagree, why would you ever want to let your love go? If you truly love this person, you can't even imagine what life would be like without them. Why try? Let's put this into perspective. Say, you are starting to build a house, and you've got the foundation laid, the frames, roof and walls are up, plumping and electrical is well on its way. Why would you then decide, "you know what, I need to make sure this house is worth living in, so I think I should swing a sledgehammer around, crack up the foundation a bit, poke a few holes in the roof and the pipes and see if we can then go back and continue to build a good, sturdy house." After all, if it can't take a little beating now, it won't be able to withstand the flooding and winds that may happen later. Right? Or, would it make more sense to have a patch-less foundation, pipes without putty-filled holes and walls with strong, solid pieces of wood in them? What do you think?
Same goes for a relationship. You've built a good foundation. You know each other well, but continue to learn new things about each other every day. You spend time together and bond. Now, why crack that foundation, and try to go back to repair it before the flood washes your whole house down? In relationship terms, you should continue to grow together so that you can fight the battles ahead with your strong foundation and love and understanding of one another. If you already cracked up the foundation, and tried to patch it up, it is going to be a long struggle ahead, filled with flooding, and mildew on your winter clothes that you kept in the basement. You get where I'm going with all of this?
Now, imagine you're on the receiving end of this experiment. Your significant other tells you they want to try taking a break, they need space and time to think and see how you react, they want to test a break up, etc, etc. Wouldn't you feel confused, rejected, like you are being tested? Why would you go back to a person who wants to test you and doesn't trust that you love them? Do they even love you? Do they want a break to date other people, should I date other people? See how your significant other may take your experiment the wrong way, and it could end up backfiring very easily?
If you don't love the person you're with, then, by all means, let them go. You are only wasting both of your time by sticking around with someone just out of convenience, and it is really not fair to the other person. But, if you know in your heart that you love them, don't let them go.
I'm going to end this with a whole bunch of really cheesy, romantic garble. At the end of the day, you should hold onto the ones you love, because you never really know what you've got until its gone, and once its gone, there may be no way of getting it back. So, love each other deeply and truly and you will never have a need to see what its like without the other person, because you know in your heart that you couldn't be happier anywhere else. Good luck to those of you who are in love, and to those who aren't, don't rush into it, nothing ever happens naturally in a hurry.

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