When you first think of gluttony, you assume it only refers to over eating, and becoming over weight. However, if you've read any of my other entries on the seven deadly sins, you know already that I'm not going to focus on the obvious. What is the point of reading something you already know about? Why not explore something new and make yourself think?
Could gluttony really just refer to the general idea of not taking care of one's own body? Since the Bible refers to one's body as a temple; that Jesus lives in your heart and soul, you should take care of your temple and do what it takes to keep it in shape. There are many things that you can do to commit gluttony. Abusing alcohol, drugs, or other known dangers is one thing that comes to mind. Over indulging in anything that is not good for your body is a bad decision. It's not only about what you're putting in, but what you're getting out of it. What benefit do these things have to your spirit? Don't they only satisfy your flesh?
I know I've said before, that many of the seven deadly sins are related and intertwined. For instance, if we've discovered that it is gluttonous, to over indulge yourself in a heavy meal, and a long nap, and your favorite TV sitcoms for hours without exercise, is that not also sloth? What about once we know something is wrong with our health, yet we stubbornly do nothing to attempt to heal it? Is refusing to see a doctor, a sin? It could very well be. God tells us to take every measure to preserve life. If we don't, we are disobeying him. If we stubbornly think we will be fine on our own, is that not also prideful and boastful? There can be many sins at work at the same time, in one action, in one thought.
It is best to try to avoid all of these sins, to take care of yourself, to know your temple's needs and to work to meet those needs. Do not over indulge in your cravings, whatever they may be. By nature, we crave things that are not good for us. We need to implore more self-control.
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