Saturday, October 8, 2011


I've been thinking a lot lately that maybe arranged marriages aren't so bad. No, that's not the sound of desperation. Hear me out on this one. Your parents have likely been married, maybe still are. They know what it takes for a marriage to last and what will tear it apart. They know, from first hand experience, how to have a successful or unsuccessful marriage. Why not let them pick your future husband or wife out? In some cultures there is even a courtship period where the couple can decide if their parents' choice is a good suit for them. Some cultures, the woman is looked at as a prize. Others, more extreme, and not really the ones I am going to battle for right now, see the woman as property and a burden at the same time, the girl's family often has to pay a large dowry to the man for taking her off of their hands. I don't think my parents should have to do this, even though it is still very customary even in the United States to have the bride's family pay for the wedding. Is that a type of dowry? What about when the bride is worth more than the husband? Does the man have to pay a dowry to the wife?
My biggest argument is simply that dating would be easier if someone who loves and cares for you had the chance to weed out all the bad guys and just left you with a handful of contenders to pick from. Think of how much stress you can avoid by getting to know someone and trying to impress them and worrying if he's the one, only to not get called back and have to sit and wonder what you did wrong. It'd be much easier to have potential bachelors weeded out by your family members. After all, even if we try not to be, we are our parents' children, and they usually know what's best for us.
So, moms and dads everywhere, this is your challenge! If you are unhappy with your child's current boyfriend or girlfriend, search for a better option for them, and set them up with your favorite pick for a one night blind date. Give it a try.

1 comment:

  1. I've been teaching about Asian cultures for 40 years. Arranged marriage has its advantages all round, though obvious flaws as well. The problems come when parents and kids live in different worlds, each with different expectations about marriage.

    If the kids get to decide finally on the choice and don't have an arranged marriage forced on them, then it's at least as good a model as any, and perhaps more successful in many ways!

