Wednesday, December 1, 2010

back from a thanksgiving hiatus

I took a bit off from blogging to spend time with family and focus on modeling and such. Still focused on all that but finally got a bit of inspiration to write. Today a friend from work was talking to me about finding herself a sugar-daddy. It makes sense what she was saying. At a certain point you decide, it no longer matters what you look like, it matters what your bank account looks like. It may sound funny, or selfish, or like we are gold-diggers. But once ou hit a certain age, you no longer want to find a man who will look good next to you in pictures. You want a man who is a man and not a boy, and who will do what they have to do, and hold down 3 jobs if necessary in order to get the bills paid and food in their stomach. I don't want to start off a relationship with a guy who is in debt. Why would I want to risk having to support myself, him, and possibly children in the future? Now, I just want to be clear, that I have not reached this point yet. I think it is perfectly understandable to someone in their 20s to have school loans, car loans and whatnot. But the older you get, the better you should be at handling your money. So, this goes out to all you 30-somethings. To the men, if you are still single, its not your looks, its probably your lack of motivation in the work/wages department. To the women, if you are still single, keep your standards high, but you need to be self-sufficient, guys like an independent woman who will still treat him like a man and not a dog. Cook for your guy, give him a back massage, and he will return the favor. Nobody likes someone that is too high maintenance. Girls don't like guys who are bums/lazy. (which is a form of high maintenance because we always have to do everything for you and clean up after you). Guys don't like girls who are overly needy with too high of standards. (Guys should be able to pay for your date every now and then, that is not asking too much).
Good luck daters, there is a lot of fish in the sea, some are angel fish, some are mola-mola. google 'em.

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