Friday, November 19, 2010

Everyday is like halloween

Everyone dresses like someone they aren't. Your job may require you to wear a suit, while deep down you are itching to wear a bikini and stilettos to work. We all put on our masks and pretend personalities at work because the customer is always right. But, what about when they are wrong? We can't suddenly become ourselves and tell them off, even if it's what we really want to do. And we are always tricking and treating. We trick ourselves into believing things and we also trick others. People trick us. You think you know somebody and then, bam, suddenly you just got tricked and they just stole your idea to get a promotion, or they stole your man, or they stole your fashion sense. Also, life is full of treats. We overindulge ourselves in sweets, and shopping, and all the things that are really bad for us. We "treat" ourselves to that new coach bag that we oh so deserve, even if really we don't deserve it, and we treated ourselves to ice cream last night and those new shoes two days ago and that hot dress that we just couldn't resist at the last store we went into earlier today. Life is about balance, so in order to keep halloween to once a year. Let's not spoil ourselves too much, and lets try to be more real. Keep the lying to a minimum and show your personality. I'd much rather buy something from someone who told me, "Guuuurrrrllll that is the best eyeliner, but that one over there, that's more expensive, doesn't work." than someone who says, "Oh, you need this, it is the most-exclusive, most high-end eyeliner you can buy." (and brings me to the YSL section) We want the truth, we want to know what works. For instance, in the doctor's office. Do I want the most expensive prescription, or the one that won't give me 35 side effects? In court, do I want to pay for a celebrity attorney, or one who has the time to do research and win my case? At the supermarket, do I want escargot, or chicken? Ha... ok so I think some delicacies, are gross. I'll take chicken please.

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