can anyone explain this?
Welcome to my blog of my experiences in New York City. I am currently a makeup artist and model. I will be writing about exciting events, strange subway occurrences, daily life, advice for girls and guys, spiritual devotions and tips if you are interested in the entertainment business as well.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The only way up is up
Delta airlines are advertising new slogans on their subway signs, the one that stuck with me is, the only way up is up. I was thinking about this and it is really true. The only way to succeed is to succeed. You have to get up off your butt, get up out of the house, get up early to get to your interviews, climb the stairs up the corporate or literal ladder. If you want to be a success you have to first work your way up. That is the only way. The only way up is up. You can't stay down and flatline yourself on a plateau if you are trying to become someone great. You have to set goals and consistently move towards them. No moving downward is allowed on your way up. Tumbling down a mountain just hurts and once you are at the bottom, you are too bruised and tired to bother trying to hike up it again. So, save yourself the pain and anguish and just keep moving up and never look back.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
This dieting thing really works
For the last couple weeks I have been trying really hard to stick to my diet, especially eating lots of fruits and veges and grilled chicken. It really works, I've already lost 6lbs! Of course I splurged a little every now and then, eating a lollipop or half a cupcake when I really wanted it, but that's the key to it. If you are craving, just have a little. Half a cupcake made me happy, I don't need 3 huge pieces of cake. Another thing that has helped is I am getting a lot of sleep. The more you sleep, the less you eat! Well, speaking of eating, I am going to go make a snack. Salad, tangerine, cereal with fat free milk? hum... what'll it be.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Everyday is like halloween
Everyone dresses like someone they aren't. Your job may require you to wear a suit, while deep down you are itching to wear a bikini and stilettos to work. We all put on our masks and pretend personalities at work because the customer is always right. But, what about when they are wrong? We can't suddenly become ourselves and tell them off, even if it's what we really want to do. And we are always tricking and treating. We trick ourselves into believing things and we also trick others. People trick us. You think you know somebody and then, bam, suddenly you just got tricked and they just stole your idea to get a promotion, or they stole your man, or they stole your fashion sense. Also, life is full of treats. We overindulge ourselves in sweets, and shopping, and all the things that are really bad for us. We "treat" ourselves to that new coach bag that we oh so deserve, even if really we don't deserve it, and we treated ourselves to ice cream last night and those new shoes two days ago and that hot dress that we just couldn't resist at the last store we went into earlier today. Life is about balance, so in order to keep halloween to once a year. Let's not spoil ourselves too much, and lets try to be more real. Keep the lying to a minimum and show your personality. I'd much rather buy something from someone who told me, "Guuuurrrrllll that is the best eyeliner, but that one over there, that's more expensive, doesn't work." than someone who says, "Oh, you need this, it is the most-exclusive, most high-end eyeliner you can buy." (and brings me to the YSL section) We want the truth, we want to know what works. For instance, in the doctor's office. Do I want the most expensive prescription, or the one that won't give me 35 side effects? In court, do I want to pay for a celebrity attorney, or one who has the time to do research and win my case? At the supermarket, do I want escargot, or chicken? Ha... ok so I think some delicacies, are gross. I'll take chicken please.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
When will girls learn
Ladies, ladies, ladies... you complain about men treating you wrong, but you just keep going back to them and keep doing the same stupid things. Why do you wonder why they treat you like that? It is pretty obvious they treat you how they think you want them to treat you because you give them no reason to think otherwise.
1. Stop randomly hooking up, they will only view you as a hookup, and nothing more. Ever.
2. If you have evidence they are cheating, they are. And they will continue to do so.
3. If you argue more than you get along, move on.
4. If he is married, or dating someone else, don't waste your time, he isn't in the process of getting a divorce, and she does not know about you.
5. If you are currently sleeping with more than one guy, you are a slut. I don't care if you are offended, it is the truth.
6. Ladies, start acting like ladies and start making your men treat you the way you want to be treated and if they aren't then move on, there are plenty of guys in this world.
1. Stop randomly hooking up, they will only view you as a hookup, and nothing more. Ever.
2. If you have evidence they are cheating, they are. And they will continue to do so.
3. If you argue more than you get along, move on.
4. If he is married, or dating someone else, don't waste your time, he isn't in the process of getting a divorce, and she does not know about you.
5. If you are currently sleeping with more than one guy, you are a slut. I don't care if you are offended, it is the truth.
6. Ladies, start acting like ladies and start making your men treat you the way you want to be treated and if they aren't then move on, there are plenty of guys in this world.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
flatulence ettiquette
On my way home on the subway tonight, someone who elected to remain anonymous had some terribly disturbing smells of the flatulence sort, repeatedly wafting though the air. I tried to hold my breath, however, I have a 30 minute train ride home, and wouldn't have made it without taking a few breaths. I tried turning my head in different directions to alleviate some of the smell and possibly determine which direction it was coming from so that I could move to the opposite direction, but this effort was useless. The gentleman across from me was bluntly holding his hand over his nose and mouth. While the gentleman to my left (whom I believe was the culprit), put his head down into his lap. This all brings me to my question.
What is the proper etiquette when the uncontrollable happens, you fart in public?
First, lets narrow down the types of farts into 3 categories. First off, the SBD, Silent But Deadly. When you cannot hold it in any longer, and you adjust your seating and your muscles just so, in order to let out air without sound, you have accomplished partial anonymity. Those around you can definitely smell it, but they didn't hear who it came from. In this instance, those in your immediate perimeter probably still know it was you. Those people next to them, have no clue where it came from.
The second type of gaseous expansion, is the LAS, Loud And Smelly. If this occurs, it is the most embarrassing of all. Everyone within hearing or smelling range knows it was you. You will probably receive some death-stares and hear people mumbling under their breath about you. It is too late to go back, you let it happen.
The third type is the best for you, the TSF, Top Secret Fart. This is a silent and not entirely malodorous fart. In this case, you got away with it completely. Thank your digestive system this time, you may not be so lucky next time.
So, what should our reaction be if each of these happen to us? The SBD/LAS: Do you say excuse me? Do you move yourself to another area? Do you get your perfume out of your purse and start spraying the air around you? The TSF: Do you pretend like nothing happened at all, or giggle to yourself quietly thinking about how you just got away with murder? How do you react when someone around you farts?
I am not sure the answer to these questions, so I am putting these out there in hopes of some responses. What do you think? How should you act or what should you say? The types of foods you eat can contribute to what type of fart, or the frequency of farts you have. So beware and be prepared with what your reaction will be in the worst case scenario.
What is the proper etiquette when the uncontrollable happens, you fart in public?
First, lets narrow down the types of farts into 3 categories. First off, the SBD, Silent But Deadly. When you cannot hold it in any longer, and you adjust your seating and your muscles just so, in order to let out air without sound, you have accomplished partial anonymity. Those around you can definitely smell it, but they didn't hear who it came from. In this instance, those in your immediate perimeter probably still know it was you. Those people next to them, have no clue where it came from.
The second type of gaseous expansion, is the LAS, Loud And Smelly. If this occurs, it is the most embarrassing of all. Everyone within hearing or smelling range knows it was you. You will probably receive some death-stares and hear people mumbling under their breath about you. It is too late to go back, you let it happen.
The third type is the best for you, the TSF, Top Secret Fart. This is a silent and not entirely malodorous fart. In this case, you got away with it completely. Thank your digestive system this time, you may not be so lucky next time.
So, what should our reaction be if each of these happen to us? The SBD/LAS: Do you say excuse me? Do you move yourself to another area? Do you get your perfume out of your purse and start spraying the air around you? The TSF: Do you pretend like nothing happened at all, or giggle to yourself quietly thinking about how you just got away with murder? How do you react when someone around you farts?
I am not sure the answer to these questions, so I am putting these out there in hopes of some responses. What do you think? How should you act or what should you say? The types of foods you eat can contribute to what type of fart, or the frequency of farts you have. So beware and be prepared with what your reaction will be in the worst case scenario.
funny cat
This is for anyone who likes to laugh or who is having a bad day and needs to cheer up. You have to watch the entire video, it gets funnier and funnier the more you watch. Silly cat.
Monday, November 15, 2010
when does something become official?
Lately it has become common language to ask, "are they facebook official?" If the answer is no, then people assume that the couple is not really exclusive yet and there may still be a chance for someone to swoop in and stir things up a bit. Then there is the counter argument, if someone is listed as "engaged" or "married" on facebook, does that mean they are legally married, or that the girl is sporting a diamond?
Are we moving into a technology based reality, where whatever is on our webpage is to be taken as the truth? Or, are we more skeptical now of what is true because of the internet?
I tend to believe that we are more skeptical now than ever. When we see something on a facebook page or hear a rumor, we immediately go to the internet to find various evidence to either prove or disprove what we have heard. The problem with that however, is that we are simply going back to the internet to try to find facts about something we found on the internet. The internet is full of lies. How can we decipher the facts from the fiction? One thing we can try to do is have more human interaction in real life. This virtual reality is only distancing us from other humans. Sure, I can look at your facebook profile and see what you did last night. I can stalk all my friends on facebook, but then how long is it before they are no longer my friends in real life? There are definitely positives and negatives. It can help you reconnect with an old friend, but you can only see what that person wants you to see. You can only read what they tell you about their day. Why not meet up with them in person and ask how their day is going? That way they are more likely to tell you the truth.
Scenario 1. You just found out your ex is seeing someone new, before you have. You immediately jump onto facebook to do your research. You see that his status only says In a Relationship, but you can't remember if he took it down last week when you did. You check his pictures. He has one with a girl taken two nights ago. Is this her? Oh wait, she commented below it, "That party was so fun!" How come you weren't invited, it must be her. Click on her. Profile is set to private. Darn! But wait, her profile picture is with another guy. Can't be her. Unless that's her brother or something. Back to ex's page. Searching for a wall post. Here's one from her, "Hey did you find my bracelet anywhere, I think I lost it during the party. Let me know! thanks xo." XO! oh man... XO! Do you know what that means? It's gotta be her. I wonder how long they've been dating. Oh wait, heres a post from another girl, "Was nice meeting you in the quad last week, hope to run into you again." Wait, last week? Maybe this is her? Click on her. Awesome, you are in her network and she let's people in her network view her profile, ha, amateur. She's Soooo Ugly. Wow did he downgrade or what? Clicking through her pictures, ok so maybe she's not terrible looking. You see three profile pictures ago she is kissing another guy. Ok, back to her info. She is listed as single. Hum. Skank. This has got to be her. Was she at his party? Back to ex's page. Looking through album titled "Partayyy." She is not in any pictures. But she could have been there. Heres a picture of him with another girl, hey you know that girl. She is in your English Lit class. You are facebook friends, let's see if she's on chat now. She is. Do you write her? What would you say, "Hey are you dating my ex?" You feel like a stalker. You just spent 15 minutes online trying to figure out if he is seeing someone else, and so far, you've got nothing.
Scenario 2. You just found out your ex is seeing someone new, before you have. You text your closest gal pal to see if she's heard the news and ask her advice on what to do. She tells you she has no idea and that you should just call him to find out. Call him? Is that a bad idea? Then he'll know that you still care about him and you will look desperate. Instead, you text him a very vague message hoping he will spill all his wrong doings out to you. You text, "Hey, what's new?" His reply, "nm, u?" Ugh, why do guys have to make you pry the information from their cold bloody hands? "Oh not much, just wondering if you had plans later?" WAIT, why did you send that, he's going to think you want to hang out with him, not that you are trying to figure out if he's going out with someone else. Ugh, too late. He replies, "not really, just hanging out." Great! He isn't seeing anyone, phew, unless, he is hanging out with her. But you can't say, oh who are you hanging out with. So you just reply with a "that's cool." Again, time wasted, and you got nowhere.
Scenario 3. You just found out your ex is seeing someone new, before you have. You know you will run into him at lunch in the dining hall on Wednesday and you will have Bio together right after, maybe you can casually mention it then. Wednesday comes. You see him sitting at a table across the room. There is a group of girls and guys sitting with him. Is one of those girls her? He walks by you to throw away his trash, and he says, "Hey." You reply with, "Hey, did you finish the lab for bio?" He says, "Yea it was a long night last night finishing it up, did you?" "Yea, mind if we compare answers while we walk to class?" "Sure." He walks back to his table. Yes, he can't have another girl, he wants to walk with you! Then you see it, with your own eyes, he walks over to your table hand-in-hand with one of the girls from his table, as she gets closer you realize she is in your bio class too. But they are holding hands, the rumors are true. "Hey, I wanted to introduce you to my..."
Alright, so all of these scenarios are made up, but you have to admit that technology makes a huge difference on the way our life pans out. If we hear something, we should try to confront it straight on, in person, to get the most definitive and true answer. If we approach it from a facebook spy way, like most of us try, we may not be getting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help us God. If we go the texting route, we are likely to get vague responses to our vague questions and you can never tell someone's tone of voice via text. You never know if someone is being sarcastic or not. If you face your fears head on, you may not like the answer you get, but at least you will know the truth one way or another. So good luck with trying to believe less of what the internet is telling you, because you never know if the author was telling the truth.
Are we moving into a technology based reality, where whatever is on our webpage is to be taken as the truth? Or, are we more skeptical now of what is true because of the internet?
I tend to believe that we are more skeptical now than ever. When we see something on a facebook page or hear a rumor, we immediately go to the internet to find various evidence to either prove or disprove what we have heard. The problem with that however, is that we are simply going back to the internet to try to find facts about something we found on the internet. The internet is full of lies. How can we decipher the facts from the fiction? One thing we can try to do is have more human interaction in real life. This virtual reality is only distancing us from other humans. Sure, I can look at your facebook profile and see what you did last night. I can stalk all my friends on facebook, but then how long is it before they are no longer my friends in real life? There are definitely positives and negatives. It can help you reconnect with an old friend, but you can only see what that person wants you to see. You can only read what they tell you about their day. Why not meet up with them in person and ask how their day is going? That way they are more likely to tell you the truth.
Scenario 1. You just found out your ex is seeing someone new, before you have. You immediately jump onto facebook to do your research. You see that his status only says In a Relationship, but you can't remember if he took it down last week when you did. You check his pictures. He has one with a girl taken two nights ago. Is this her? Oh wait, she commented below it, "That party was so fun!" How come you weren't invited, it must be her. Click on her. Profile is set to private. Darn! But wait, her profile picture is with another guy. Can't be her. Unless that's her brother or something. Back to ex's page. Searching for a wall post. Here's one from her, "Hey did you find my bracelet anywhere, I think I lost it during the party. Let me know! thanks xo." XO! oh man... XO! Do you know what that means? It's gotta be her. I wonder how long they've been dating. Oh wait, heres a post from another girl, "Was nice meeting you in the quad last week, hope to run into you again." Wait, last week? Maybe this is her? Click on her. Awesome, you are in her network and she let's people in her network view her profile, ha, amateur. She's Soooo Ugly. Wow did he downgrade or what? Clicking through her pictures, ok so maybe she's not terrible looking. You see three profile pictures ago she is kissing another guy. Ok, back to her info. She is listed as single. Hum. Skank. This has got to be her. Was she at his party? Back to ex's page. Looking through album titled "Partayyy." She is not in any pictures. But she could have been there. Heres a picture of him with another girl, hey you know that girl. She is in your English Lit class. You are facebook friends, let's see if she's on chat now. She is. Do you write her? What would you say, "Hey are you dating my ex?" You feel like a stalker. You just spent 15 minutes online trying to figure out if he is seeing someone else, and so far, you've got nothing.
Scenario 2. You just found out your ex is seeing someone new, before you have. You text your closest gal pal to see if she's heard the news and ask her advice on what to do. She tells you she has no idea and that you should just call him to find out. Call him? Is that a bad idea? Then he'll know that you still care about him and you will look desperate. Instead, you text him a very vague message hoping he will spill all his wrong doings out to you. You text, "Hey, what's new?" His reply, "nm, u?" Ugh, why do guys have to make you pry the information from their cold bloody hands? "Oh not much, just wondering if you had plans later?" WAIT, why did you send that, he's going to think you want to hang out with him, not that you are trying to figure out if he's going out with someone else. Ugh, too late. He replies, "not really, just hanging out." Great! He isn't seeing anyone, phew, unless, he is hanging out with her. But you can't say, oh who are you hanging out with. So you just reply with a "that's cool." Again, time wasted, and you got nowhere.
Scenario 3. You just found out your ex is seeing someone new, before you have. You know you will run into him at lunch in the dining hall on Wednesday and you will have Bio together right after, maybe you can casually mention it then. Wednesday comes. You see him sitting at a table across the room. There is a group of girls and guys sitting with him. Is one of those girls her? He walks by you to throw away his trash, and he says, "Hey." You reply with, "Hey, did you finish the lab for bio?" He says, "Yea it was a long night last night finishing it up, did you?" "Yea, mind if we compare answers while we walk to class?" "Sure." He walks back to his table. Yes, he can't have another girl, he wants to walk with you! Then you see it, with your own eyes, he walks over to your table hand-in-hand with one of the girls from his table, as she gets closer you realize she is in your bio class too. But they are holding hands, the rumors are true. "Hey, I wanted to introduce you to my..."
Alright, so all of these scenarios are made up, but you have to admit that technology makes a huge difference on the way our life pans out. If we hear something, we should try to confront it straight on, in person, to get the most definitive and true answer. If we approach it from a facebook spy way, like most of us try, we may not be getting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help us God. If we go the texting route, we are likely to get vague responses to our vague questions and you can never tell someone's tone of voice via text. You never know if someone is being sarcastic or not. If you face your fears head on, you may not like the answer you get, but at least you will know the truth one way or another. So good luck with trying to believe less of what the internet is telling you, because you never know if the author was telling the truth.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
some people have hobbies
some people have careers
some people struggle endlessly to turn their hobbies into careers.
some people have careers
some people struggle endlessly to turn their hobbies into careers.
Messy Excuses
I'm not sure how I should start this one out because I really don't mean to direct it at anyone but people are probably going to take it personally. I guess they should though, because what's the point of blogging advice unless someone listens to it? So, here we go, and if any of this applies to you, then great! We all have room for self-improvement!
Step 1. Stop giving excuses for why you haven't; pursued your dreams, done the household chores, broken up with the guy that you know is bad news, kept your promise, taken your girlfriend out on a date, showed up on time ever, etc etc. I could go on and on, but if you feel you are not doing things that you should be doing. Stop shelling out excuses all the time because eventually people will no longer believe them, and get really irritated.
Step 2. Make an effort. Change doesn't come over night but get up early and try to change those things that you keep giving excuses for. Apply for as many jobs as you can in one day. Take ten minutes to clean the dishes that have been there all week. Make that call and tell the guy you aren't going to take him back this time. Follow through with something you've been saying you would do. Make a dinner reservation, show up, and pay. Leave extra early to make sure you are on time. A little effort goes a long way in making the people you care about happy, even making the people you don't care about happy.
Step 3. Do it again, and then some. Once you do something, it is easier to get into a habit of doing it. The hardest part is Step 2, its pretty smooth sailing from there. for example, getting yourself to the gym is hard sometimes when we lack motivation, but once you go and see the benefits and great results, you get addicted and want to go everyday. One trip applying for jobs may not be enough to land one, so go again every day until you get something. Once you've completed the dishes, take out the trash, and sweep the floor, and scrub the toilet, and the next day, don't leave the dishes around for another week, keep them clean. When that guy calls you, don't answer and let him convince you to see him, be done and then go find yourself someone else to go on a date with. Once you've kept one promise, think back and try to remember other promises that went unfulfilled and fulfill them. One date should last her a year or so right? No. Your lady deserves to be treated like a queen, after all, I'm sure she cooks nice dinners for you, etc and if you are feeling that your girl isn't treating you right, then go find one that will, but break up with the bad one first. No excuses, no cheating. Some jobs have a cap on the number of times you can be late in a given time period, so watch out, once you've started getting to work on time, try to keep it up everyday to avoid losing your job, or your girlfriend who is sick of waiting around for you.
Step 4. If the habit breaks, get back on track. Nobody is perfect, we all slip up. We have a bad interview that discourages us, a really dirty pan that you dread having to scrub, he texts you "I miss you" and your heart melts, you made a promise you knew you couldn't keep, you forgot her birthday, you overslept. Whatever the excuse is, you need to start back at step 1 and get back on track. No matter what the excuse is, it is always something manageable and something you can change. God will never give you more than you can handle.
Good luck everyone, and heres to making our new year's resolutions a bit early this year!
Step 1. Stop giving excuses for why you haven't; pursued your dreams, done the household chores, broken up with the guy that you know is bad news, kept your promise, taken your girlfriend out on a date, showed up on time ever, etc etc. I could go on and on, but if you feel you are not doing things that you should be doing. Stop shelling out excuses all the time because eventually people will no longer believe them, and get really irritated.
Step 2. Make an effort. Change doesn't come over night but get up early and try to change those things that you keep giving excuses for. Apply for as many jobs as you can in one day. Take ten minutes to clean the dishes that have been there all week. Make that call and tell the guy you aren't going to take him back this time. Follow through with something you've been saying you would do. Make a dinner reservation, show up, and pay. Leave extra early to make sure you are on time. A little effort goes a long way in making the people you care about happy, even making the people you don't care about happy.
Step 3. Do it again, and then some. Once you do something, it is easier to get into a habit of doing it. The hardest part is Step 2, its pretty smooth sailing from there. for example, getting yourself to the gym is hard sometimes when we lack motivation, but once you go and see the benefits and great results, you get addicted and want to go everyday. One trip applying for jobs may not be enough to land one, so go again every day until you get something. Once you've completed the dishes, take out the trash, and sweep the floor, and scrub the toilet, and the next day, don't leave the dishes around for another week, keep them clean. When that guy calls you, don't answer and let him convince you to see him, be done and then go find yourself someone else to go on a date with. Once you've kept one promise, think back and try to remember other promises that went unfulfilled and fulfill them. One date should last her a year or so right? No. Your lady deserves to be treated like a queen, after all, I'm sure she cooks nice dinners for you, etc and if you are feeling that your girl isn't treating you right, then go find one that will, but break up with the bad one first. No excuses, no cheating. Some jobs have a cap on the number of times you can be late in a given time period, so watch out, once you've started getting to work on time, try to keep it up everyday to avoid losing your job, or your girlfriend who is sick of waiting around for you.
Step 4. If the habit breaks, get back on track. Nobody is perfect, we all slip up. We have a bad interview that discourages us, a really dirty pan that you dread having to scrub, he texts you "I miss you" and your heart melts, you made a promise you knew you couldn't keep, you forgot her birthday, you overslept. Whatever the excuse is, you need to start back at step 1 and get back on track. No matter what the excuse is, it is always something manageable and something you can change. God will never give you more than you can handle.
Good luck everyone, and heres to making our new year's resolutions a bit early this year!
Friday, November 12, 2010
T.I. lyrics
These are some good lyrics from the song live your life with T.I. and Rihanna, if only T.I. had listened to his own advice, maybe he wouldn't have ended up in jail. Haha. Anyway, its a good reminder to stay focused on the things that matter in life and not get caught up in the good things and take them for granted. Often times we pray to God when we are in need of something, but we forget to praise him when everything is going well. You need to thank him for the good times and the bad times because every day is a blessing and the bad times teach you things and make you stronger. We should all strive to remain humble. I have to remind myself because I do tend to brag sometimes because we all seek approval and we all want to be told that we are doing things right. So, from now on, try to take notice when you feel you are searching for a compliment. I know it's nice to hear, but wouldn't it mean more to you if you didn't have to lead someone into giving you one?
Another thing to take a look at is if you tend to blame others for your problems instead of owning up to them yourself. Don't blame your parents for anything, if you are now an adult, there is nothing stopping you from changing your ways except you. I always blame the fashion industry for not accepting my height and measurements when really, I just need to do my best to fit into the measurements that are standard in the industry as safely and healthily as I can. The industry is not going to change for me, and I am choosing to try to be a part of it. If only we could all realize that we are the ones who need to change most of the time instead of blaming others.
Seems as though you lost sight of what's important when depositing
them checks into your bank account, and you up out of poverty.
Your values is in disarray, prioritizing horribly.
Unhappy with the riches cause you're pis-poor morally.
Ignoring all prior advice and forewarning.
And we mighty full of ourselves all of a sudden, aren't we?
(not proper English, but you get the point) :)
Another thing to take a look at is if you tend to blame others for your problems instead of owning up to them yourself. Don't blame your parents for anything, if you are now an adult, there is nothing stopping you from changing your ways except you. I always blame the fashion industry for not accepting my height and measurements when really, I just need to do my best to fit into the measurements that are standard in the industry as safely and healthily as I can. The industry is not going to change for me, and I am choosing to try to be a part of it. If only we could all realize that we are the ones who need to change most of the time instead of blaming others.
Seems as though you lost sight of what's important when depositing
them checks into your bank account, and you up out of poverty.
Your values is in disarray, prioritizing horribly.
Unhappy with the riches cause you're pis-poor morally.
Ignoring all prior advice and forewarning.
And we mighty full of ourselves all of a sudden, aren't we?
(not proper English, but you get the point) :)
Thursday, November 11, 2010
new design
What do we think of the new design of the blog? I'm not sure I'm happy with it, but its now 5:20am, and after 3 hours or so of tweaking it, I'm just going to leave it alone for now. Feedback? Suggestions?
daily dose of inspiration
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
by Marianne Williamsonfrom A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles
by Marianne Williamsonfrom A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Is anyone ever really homeless?
Something dawned on me tonight as I entered the subway I always ride to get home, something, rather someone was missing. Just about every time I go down the stairs into the subway, there is a homeless man waiting at the bottom of the staircase shaking his hand of change at me as I walk by. Tonight he wasn't there and although he isn't there every single time I enter/exit the subway, tonight I noticed the wall behind where he stands. It is a strange thing to notice; a wall in the subway. Who would ever take a second look at it? But, when you look at the picture below that I took on my camera phone you might see what I realized. (The quality of the picture is not the best, but hopefully it is clear enough to get an idea). This man really does spend every day here. He spends so much time in that one spot in fact, that the wall shows exactly where he leans. If a home is a place of shelter from the elements, a place where you feel comfortable, a place that is familiar, who is to say that this man cannot call that spot his home? He may have another home somewhere else where he sleeps, but is anyone ever really homeless? Or, can we find an unconventional place to call home, even on the streets?
Monday, November 8, 2010
funny pictures
They literally have applications for anything you want now. My roommate has an ap on her phone that displays funny pictures and I thought I'd share a few of my favorites with you. Have a few laughs!
can you move your bag please?
On the subway, some people like to take up as much space as possible, especially when its your space. I don't understand the lack of common courtesy when people are standing up around you and looking at you and nudging their head in a move-your-bag-so-I-can-sit-please sort of way, you should move your bag and let them sit. You can put your fake Louis on the floor or on your lap. We know its not real, or else you wouldn't be ridin' the subway. In conclusion, be polite and make room for others to sit, I know we don't want the smelly guy to sit next to us, but he is probably smelly and tired form a long days work so let him sit and you can walk down the car a little bit to another seat or lean against the door with the sticker on it that says Please Do Not Lean Against The Door.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
dinner party
If any of you read my post on my dinner party a few days ago, this one's for you.
Right after reading the post I immediately felt it was probably a bad idea because I thought someone would think what we wrote was about them even when it wasn't. Just after writing it, I went back to read it with a clear mind to see how I thought others would perceive it. Since we used fictional characters, such as Shrek and The Lucky Charms Leprechaun, I realized that anyone with a sense of humor would see that it was just a joke and that these characters do not actually work with us and that we were just making up funny stories to release stress. However, some people did take it the wrong way, and so I apologize if that was you. I have deleted the post to avoid any further controversy. Who knew that having a blog for a few days could already cause so much commotion? I can assure you that never were any names mentioned, because we weren't targeting people that we actually work with. We were making up characters. If you assumed one of those characters was you, I can assure you that it wasn't written about you, so you shouldn't feel as though we were secretly thinking about you when we wrote it, because we weren't.
I can't tell anyone how to feel. If you read it and felt offended or that I may have written it about you, I am sorry and feel free to come talk to me directly about it.
It is a sad world when people lose their sense of humor and when free speech is stifled by political correctness. I am, however, a soft spirit who is tender to those who got upset and therefore, am sorry if I offended you, as it was not my intention.
Right after reading the post I immediately felt it was probably a bad idea because I thought someone would think what we wrote was about them even when it wasn't. Just after writing it, I went back to read it with a clear mind to see how I thought others would perceive it. Since we used fictional characters, such as Shrek and The Lucky Charms Leprechaun, I realized that anyone with a sense of humor would see that it was just a joke and that these characters do not actually work with us and that we were just making up funny stories to release stress. However, some people did take it the wrong way, and so I apologize if that was you. I have deleted the post to avoid any further controversy. Who knew that having a blog for a few days could already cause so much commotion? I can assure you that never were any names mentioned, because we weren't targeting people that we actually work with. We were making up characters. If you assumed one of those characters was you, I can assure you that it wasn't written about you, so you shouldn't feel as though we were secretly thinking about you when we wrote it, because we weren't.
I can't tell anyone how to feel. If you read it and felt offended or that I may have written it about you, I am sorry and feel free to come talk to me directly about it.
It is a sad world when people lose their sense of humor and when free speech is stifled by political correctness. I am, however, a soft spirit who is tender to those who got upset and therefore, am sorry if I offended you, as it was not my intention.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
nobody's life is "perfect"
Remember that post when I wrote that everyone is judgmental at times? I still 100% stand behind that statement. Don't claim you aren't judgmental, because everyone innately is. Also, nobody is perfect, and nobody has a perfect life. The idea of perfect is an imaginary idea. Everyone has flaws and everyone has troubles and nobody knows everything about someone else's life. Even husbands and wives who spend every day together don't really know everything about that person, because you couldn't possibly share every thought that goes through your head with your partner.
Don't ever assume that someone else has a perfect life. Don't ever assume that anyone else has it better off, or worse off than you. You never really know what is inside someone's mind or their heart. You don't know their secrets and you don't know every trial they have faced in their lifetime. Sometimes people who are really put together and put up a front like everything is perfect, have a lot of struggles internally. Don't look to those people and think they are looking down upon you because you don't also put up this front. If you feel like they are looking down on you, it could just be your insecurities showing, and their insecurities are being hidden. You may be actually confident in your life and your current situation but tomorrow things could be different.
I feel as if I am babbling a bit, and I'm not sure all of that made sense. My basic goal was just to say that you never really know what someone else is going through. You can't claim you are not judgmental and follow it with a statement how you don't like people with perfect lives judging you. That is a contradiction, because you just judged these so-called "perfect" people. Yes, we all have flaws.
Don't ever assume that someone else has a perfect life. Don't ever assume that anyone else has it better off, or worse off than you. You never really know what is inside someone's mind or their heart. You don't know their secrets and you don't know every trial they have faced in their lifetime. Sometimes people who are really put together and put up a front like everything is perfect, have a lot of struggles internally. Don't look to those people and think they are looking down upon you because you don't also put up this front. If you feel like they are looking down on you, it could just be your insecurities showing, and their insecurities are being hidden. You may be actually confident in your life and your current situation but tomorrow things could be different.
I feel as if I am babbling a bit, and I'm not sure all of that made sense. My basic goal was just to say that you never really know what someone else is going through. You can't claim you are not judgmental and follow it with a statement how you don't like people with perfect lives judging you. That is a contradiction, because you just judged these so-called "perfect" people. Yes, we all have flaws.
hot fall trends from Harper's Bazaar
Urban Warrior
A blue fur from Devi Kroell. You can try to find something similar in a second hand shop. Or check out a similar one for $150.00 on ebay.
Conservative Glamour
A very classy but modern take on the women's suit. This one is from Preen. Or try a less daring safari style from Jones NY.
Eccentric Ladylike
Get a similar design to this Carolina Herrera red coat with fur trim for less. I already bought my red fall coat this year from a second-hand shop for $12! Its a brand new Gap coat, one spin through the dryer just in case and its ready to wear.
Great Outdoors
The military style always come back in and out again so if you get military pieces, don't throw them away, keep them in the back of your closet and in three years it will be fashion again, like it is now.
This dress is from Marchesa. Who says no white after labor day? And heres an alternative for $119
I hope you guys like some of these styles. I will have a winter update soon since its getting pretty chilly already.
Negative calorie foods
Here is a list of foods that your body burns more calories while digesting than they have in them, therefore eating these foods burns calories! So, eat as many of them as you'd like!
Negative Calorie Vegetables | ||
Asparagus Beets Broccoli Cabbage Carrot Cauliflower Celery | Cucumber Chicory Hot Chili Peppers Cucumber Garden cress Garlic Green Beans | Leeks Lettuce Onion Radish Spinach Turnip Zucchini |
Negative Calorie Fruits | ||
Apple Blackberries Blueberries Cranberries Cantaloupe Cranberry Grapefruit | Guava Honeydew Lemon/Lime Mango Orange Papaya Peach | Plum Pineapple Raspberry Strawberry Tomato Tangerine Watermelon |
good dieting resource
I found a good tool to use for counting calories, there is a website where you can type in any food, even some fast-food restaurants, and it breaks down the calories and nutritional facts for you along with ways to burn that amount of calories off. Check it out, you can type in different candy and drinks as well.
gym men PSA
Alright, I know I already sent out a PSA for the 50+ gym goers, but this one is for the younger guys. Walking around the gym holding your arms 5 inches away from your side to make your shoulders appear broader, only makes you look smaller, when you are already small. I know you are trying to appear as big and muscular-y as the rest of the guys beefing themselves up in the weights section, but if you are just starting out at the gym, or you are just naturally thin, and less muscular-y, don't try to over compensate by walking awkwardly like you have a load in your underwear. Today at the gym I saw a thin guy walking next to his friend who was quite a bit more bulky, and they were both walking with that sway that a pregnant woman has and the smaller one was holding his scrawny arms out about a half foot away from his body, elbows slightly bent, as if his muscles were so big in his shoulders and biceps that his hands couldn't touch his sides. However, this just made him look silly and smaller than he was. I probably wouldn't have even noticed him if he held his arms naturally. Is it better to be noticed for something strange or just fit in? Or, fit in until you can be noticed for something great?
slim update
I have been working hard the past couple days to eat less, eat more healthy, and work out more, and it is really paying off. I know for someone who is already thin, it can be harder to lose weight because your body naturally wants to be the weight you are so trying to convince it to slim down a bit can be a challenge. It is hard for anyone to lose weight, but to safely do it at a smaller weight can be difficult because you don't want to cut too many calories that your body needs. So heres some tips I have so far, try to count your calories, and always round up. You don't have to be exact but the actual practice of counting calories will help you to realize just how much you are actually in-taking on a daily basis. Many of us don't realize we are in-taking more than the recommended 2,000 a day. There are websites where you can input your weight now and what you want your weight to be and it will tell you what steps you need to take to get there. Try this one: If you are trying to lose weight, you have to eat less calories. You also have to work out more. I've been hitting the gym a lot more than I normally do this week, in fact, as soon as I am finished typing this up, I'm headed back to the gym. I suggest getting a gym membership and also trying to get a friend or family member to sign up with you. Having someone else to go with definitely is a motivator and you can also motivate each other and have a little healthy competition. Paying for a gym membership makes you want to go and use it as much as you can so that you don't waste your money. Also, it is really hard to find motivation to work out at home. Have you ever bought a work out dvd? And how many times did you actually pop that in and work out? Most likely once or twice, maybe its still in the packaging. Also hit up as many classes as you can so that you don't get stuck in the monotonous routine of treadmill, stretch, abs, machines, repeat the next day. A lot of the classes can be really fun, and don't be afraid to try something new, take a hip hop class! Who cares if you look like a fool for the first few classes? At least you are putting in the effort to try something new and after a few classes you'll start to really get good at it and now you have a whole new talent besides slimming that waistline!
In summary, here are the following tips for slimming down, from my experience.
1. count calories so you become more aware of what you are eating.
2. cut calories, as many as you can safely.
3. get a gym membership and actually use it.
4. get a friend or family member to sign up with you.
5. take classes that are offered at your gym to break up the routine and have fun!
Good Luck!
In summary, here are the following tips for slimming down, from my experience.
1. count calories so you become more aware of what you are eating.
2. cut calories, as many as you can safely.
3. get a gym membership and actually use it.
4. get a friend or family member to sign up with you.
5. take classes that are offered at your gym to break up the routine and have fun!
Good Luck!
Friday, November 5, 2010
inspirational song lyrics for the day
I'll lift the whole liquor counter up, I'm raising the bar. -Eminem
These people can't measure up, they keep blaming Pyrex. -Fabolous
In other words, raise the bar for yourself and don't give excuses. Work hard, and the hard work will pay off.
These people can't measure up, they keep blaming Pyrex. -Fabolous
In other words, raise the bar for yourself and don't give excuses. Work hard, and the hard work will pay off.
strange subway occurrences
Tonight on my way home from work, the car I was going to get in was empty except for one women with a lot of garbage all around her and two people getting out of the car holding their noses and shaking their heads and telling me don't go in that one. So, naturally I sat next to her. Just kidding, haha, I went to the next one and sat in a cleaner smelling car. Remember in an earlier post I wrote about prejudices. Here is an example of when having a prejudice is a good thing, sort of. By listening to my instincts and my prejudices, and by observing what was going on around me, I probably saved myself from a very uncomfortable if not hazardous situation for the next 45 minutes. On the other hand, this poor woman, who may or may not have been mentally or emotionally ill, probably felt bad because everyone was fleeing from her car. Maybe she liked the peace and quiet but who knows. Who really knows how the homeless feel? How do we even know for a fact that she was homeless? All the signs pointed that way; very bad body odor, lots of garbage laying around, but what if our prejudices are not always right? She may have a home, her shower could be broken and she could have been collecting garbage in the subway to help make it cleaner. Probably not, but possible nonetheless.
Which brings me to the next occurrence on my ride home. The gentleman sitting across from me would not stop smiling. It wasn't an evil smile, a smirk, or a come hither smile. It was a joyful, innocent smile. When I first saw this I thought that maybe he just thought of something funny in his mind. Then the next time I looked up form my Ipod, he was still smiling away and my inclination was to think he had some sort of personality disorder or mental challenge. Why is it that we are soooo jaded to think that anyone who is smiling must be mentally or emotionally disabled? Is it a New Yorker mindset that I am already feeling, or it is a human race type of thing where we are all programed to be pessimists? Although, in my defense, he was still smiling when I got off the train. Either he just got lucky for the first time, or my prejudice was correct.
Which brings me to the next occurrence on my ride home. The gentleman sitting across from me would not stop smiling. It wasn't an evil smile, a smirk, or a come hither smile. It was a joyful, innocent smile. When I first saw this I thought that maybe he just thought of something funny in his mind. Then the next time I looked up form my Ipod, he was still smiling away and my inclination was to think he had some sort of personality disorder or mental challenge. Why is it that we are soooo jaded to think that anyone who is smiling must be mentally or emotionally disabled? Is it a New Yorker mindset that I am already feeling, or it is a human race type of thing where we are all programed to be pessimists? Although, in my defense, he was still smiling when I got off the train. Either he just got lucky for the first time, or my prejudice was correct.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Some people claim to not be judgmental, but at the end of the day, everyone is. Everyone. We can try not to be, but as soon as you look at someone a judgement forms in your head. For example, I work at a retail makeup store in Manhattan. We get a lot of theft, and I can look at a person an instantly form an oppinion in my head whether this person is going to buy anything or if they are just going to ask for free samples or if they are going to try to steal or if they are one of those undecided people with a little help who will buy anything you show them and tell them they need. You can tell a lot by the way a person is dressed. If someone comes in wearing an oversized winter coat in the middle of summer, yes, I am going to follow you around my store to make sure you don't take anything. You could have low circulation and feel cold, but more likely you are trying to stuff some perfumes up your sleeves. It may be sad to say, but at least I'm being honest. If anyone claims to never be prejudice, they are lying. A quick way to prove this, dress in really dirty clothes, preferably with holes in them, smear some dirt on yourself, grease up your hair a bit, hold a cup in your hand and sit outside of their apartment, see if they even take two looks at you. They will instantly assume you are homeless and begging for money. We are programmed that way.
Also, before you can be a counselor and give other people advice, I think you need to have your life in order. Personally, I think I have my life pretty under control. If I ever feel like I am losing touch with it, I will quit posting advice until I'm through it and can then tell you all about my experience and how I got through it. But for now, I don't have any hard issues on my forefront. So, I will keep on trekking.
Also, before you can be a counselor and give other people advice, I think you need to have your life in order. Personally, I think I have my life pretty under control. If I ever feel like I am losing touch with it, I will quit posting advice until I'm through it and can then tell you all about my experience and how I got through it. But for now, I don't have any hard issues on my forefront. So, I will keep on trekking.
love the way you lie part 2
this song is exactly what's wrong in dysfunctional relationships. It has a good beat but if you listen to the lyrics, why would you ever want to be in a relationship like that?
how I could just kill a man
To start, the title is a really good song by Charlotte Sometimes that I choreographed a dance to in my movement fundamentals class last year. Also, I think she's playing in Nyc soon so check it out. (november 8th, free show rockwood music hall 9pm)
Back to my original thought, sometimes we get so frustrated when people don't take our advice. Whether it be men or women, sometimes we wish that for a day we could switch bodies with our friends, loved ones, co-workers, etc, and change their course of action. The trouble is that no matter how many times we strongly suggest something to them, even if we know we are right, even if they tell us that they know we are right, still they are the ones who have to live their lives and they have to make their own choices. It is so frustrating, sometimes you just want to slap them and say wake up, you are being stupid, and you are only going to hurt yourself. I guess you can only waste your breath so many times before you give up and then they will eventually get it, and then they come to you a year later and say, "why couldn't I have listened to you in the first place," and you say, "yea, why didn't you?" I guess my suggestion is to keep trying to tell them until you think you are wasting your time. Once you feel like you are wasting your time, you probably are, but don't stop until you really feel like you've tried, otherwise you may feel guilty for not trying to stop the madness. And by madness I mean the poor choices your friends make that only you can see at the time because you have special x-ray vision and future telling capabilities that most friends have that shows you exactly how things will end up. So, just try your best, and then in a few days, months, maybe even a year or so, they will magically gain the powers you had and realize for themselves. Feel free to leave your thoughts.
Back to my original thought, sometimes we get so frustrated when people don't take our advice. Whether it be men or women, sometimes we wish that for a day we could switch bodies with our friends, loved ones, co-workers, etc, and change their course of action. The trouble is that no matter how many times we strongly suggest something to them, even if we know we are right, even if they tell us that they know we are right, still they are the ones who have to live their lives and they have to make their own choices. It is so frustrating, sometimes you just want to slap them and say wake up, you are being stupid, and you are only going to hurt yourself. I guess you can only waste your breath so many times before you give up and then they will eventually get it, and then they come to you a year later and say, "why couldn't I have listened to you in the first place," and you say, "yea, why didn't you?" I guess my suggestion is to keep trying to tell them until you think you are wasting your time. Once you feel like you are wasting your time, you probably are, but don't stop until you really feel like you've tried, otherwise you may feel guilty for not trying to stop the madness. And by madness I mean the poor choices your friends make that only you can see at the time because you have special x-ray vision and future telling capabilities that most friends have that shows you exactly how things will end up. So, just try your best, and then in a few days, months, maybe even a year or so, they will magically gain the powers you had and realize for themselves. Feel free to leave your thoughts.
inspirational quote for the day
Surround yourself with greatness if you want to achieve, and leave those who are traveling backward so they don't pull you down, and wave hello at them from the top, keep swimming up or they'll make you drown.
back to drugs
I never finished my entry about drugs. There's not too much to say other than don't do them and don't surround yourself with people who do them. Do you really want to gain friends who are nobody bums and lose friends that are going places? I know I do not want to associate myself with drug users. I don't see the point, when all they can do is bring you down. There is nothing uplifting and positive and goal achieving about drugs, plain and simple. Not to generalize too much but common characteristics/side effects of a person who does drugs are as follows, and if you don't want to follow the same path, then quit while you're ahead.
1. lack of motivation, laziness
2. money problems, which only get worse
3. poor school or work attendance/ work ethic
4. delinquency (particularly theft)
5. personal, family and social problems
6. poorly adjusts to new environments
7. use of multiple drugs, experimenting
8. poor short term memory, memory loss
9. trouble concentrating
10. lower intelligence scores
11. depression, anxiety, heightened anger, low self-esteem
12. little to no future goals
13. high adolescent rebellion
14. strong peer influence (if you quit hanging out with other drug users, its easier to quit drugs).
15. criminal justice system involvement, you are going to get caught at some point.
16. premature internal aging, breathing difficulties and deteriorating physical abilities.
sounds like a lot of fun.... don't you think?
oh and I forgot to mention #17. death.
1. lack of motivation, laziness
2. money problems, which only get worse
3. poor school or work attendance/ work ethic
4. delinquency (particularly theft)
5. personal, family and social problems
6. poorly adjusts to new environments
7. use of multiple drugs, experimenting
8. poor short term memory, memory loss
9. trouble concentrating
10. lower intelligence scores
11. depression, anxiety, heightened anger, low self-esteem
12. little to no future goals
13. high adolescent rebellion
14. strong peer influence (if you quit hanging out with other drug users, its easier to quit drugs).
15. criminal justice system involvement, you are going to get caught at some point.
16. premature internal aging, breathing difficulties and deteriorating physical abilities.
sounds like a lot of fun.... don't you think?
oh and I forgot to mention #17. death.
the mta lies
Tonight on my way home from work I was stopped on the F train at Lexington Ave/63rd St station for about 10 minutes, and then it took me 45 minutes to get home from that station, which usually only takes less than 20. The announcement that was made on the train was completely inaudible, like usual. The announcements are always either so loud the static overpowers the voice or the person speaking is just mumbling something you can't understand. Usually the only words you can understand is the last sentence, "Please be patient." If we decide to not be patient, will this train move any faster? This got me thinking, every time I hear the train conductor say, "We are delayed because of train traffic ahead of us," they are lying. They must be lying. These are some of the excuses I hear on a daily basis, sometimes on one trip I will hear multiples of these. It's like they have them all prerecorded and the conductor just pushes a button to play whichever one they feel like pushing at the time.
Due to an earlier track fire,...
Due to a police investigation,...
Because of construction,...
Because of train traffic ahead,...
We are being held by the train's dispatcher...
Because of a giant rat blocking the train... (ok so maybe I made that one up).
I think we'd all be more patient if we were being entertained while waiting forever for the train to move, play some music over that loudspeaker, or read us a poem, give us a rap.
"check it, this trains not movin' get outchyo seat n start groovin' the next stop is forest hills don't give any bums your bills. give your seat to that old lady, hey you in the corner stop being shady. turn your ipod down we don't wana hear your sound. read the newspaper of your neighbor. hold on tight to the pole sometime this train loses control im gonna lay this mic down and we'll be onto the next town, now this train is finally movin, the mta is finally improving."
Due to an earlier track fire,...
Due to a police investigation,...
Because of construction,...
Because of train traffic ahead,...
We are being held by the train's dispatcher...
Because of a giant rat blocking the train... (ok so maybe I made that one up).
I think we'd all be more patient if we were being entertained while waiting forever for the train to move, play some music over that loudspeaker, or read us a poem, give us a rap.
"check it, this trains not movin' get outchyo seat n start groovin' the next stop is forest hills don't give any bums your bills. give your seat to that old lady, hey you in the corner stop being shady. turn your ipod down we don't wana hear your sound. read the newspaper of your neighbor. hold on tight to the pole sometime this train loses control im gonna lay this mic down and we'll be onto the next town, now this train is finally movin, the mta is finally improving."
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
old men at gym
This is a public service announcement for the 50+ males at my gym, and probably at yours as well. Why do you hike your shorts up so far up past your belly button that we can all see your bits and pieces clear as day? It doesn't look comfortable and it is especially uncomfortable for all of us to watch. So, do us a favor, and give your privates some room to breathe.
spoil yourself
don't forget to spoil yourself a little every once in a while or you risk driving yourself insane. So, indulge from time to time in a brownie, or buy that pair of stilettos you've been saving up for even though they are going to hurt your feet. The hard part is not over indulging in all your guilty pleasures. Be smart with your waistline and with your wallet but don't go over board, you can enjoy life without going into debt and without going up a pant size.
drugs and alcohol
Maybe I am the only twenty year old left in the world who doesn't smoke, drink, or do drugs, but I tend to think there are a few others out there. People always ask me, "why don't you drink?" and I can never really come up with an answer for them other than, "I've simply never had the desire to." Many people don't believe me, and others try to pressure me into it. A few feel uncomfortable drinking around someone who isn't drinking with them, and to those few I think how insecure you are with yourself and possibly you feel guilty or feel that what you are doing is wrong because someone else can have fun without alcohol. I'm not really sure what goes through everyone's mind when they encounter a sober person at a club or bar or party or event where most people have a cocktail in their hands. So, please comment and let me know what you think about drinking and we can discuss. I am really curious what those who are avid drinkers think of us sober people.
Now my next topic; drugs and smoking. Really.... I have to think a minute on how to approach this topic because it means so much to me. I have always been against it, even as a little kid I would steal peoples cigarettes and hide them and tell them not to smoke. I used to always tell my cousins not to drink alcohol too. Now they think I drink for some reason, but I still don't, sorry to disappoint. ;) But, back to tobacco and it doesn't matter the form, cigarettes, cigars, chew, whatever else you can come up with, its gross. We know too much about it by now to be stupid enough to continue to do it. If you know something directly causes cancer of the throat, mouth, lungs and more, high blood pressure and increased clotting of the blood which can cause a stroke(think not being able to move half your body for the rest of your life), gingivitis(nasty gum disease where your teeth fall out), halitosis(stank breath you can't get rid of), emphysema(a disease that slowly suffocates you to death), pre-mature aging(you'll get wrinkles as deep as the grand canyon by 45), gastrointestinal disease(when your stomach acid burns your esophagus or ulcers in your stomach and intestine), decreased ability to play sports and be active do to breathing problems and increased risk of bone fracture, men have increased erectile disfunction(if you don't know what that is, men I highly suggest you look it up). The risks are all the same for cigar smokers and many of the risks are the same for chewing tobacco users, in fact snuff users are more likely to develop throat and mouth cancer than cigarette smokers who are more likely to develop lung cancer.
Ok so I just through a lot of facts at you. If anyone was offended by any of that, then you should take a look at yourself because those are the facts and you being offended clearly means you are not 100% confident in what you are doing.
I haven't even gotten to the drug situation yet, but it's getting late so I'll save that for tomorrow. Just know for tonight, drugs are stupid, and if you enjoy being stupid and would like to continuously get dumber for the rest of your life, then go ahead and do drugs, I'm sure living on the streets or in and out of jail will be fun.
don't forget to leave your comments about drinking and whatever else you'd like.
good night
Now my next topic; drugs and smoking. Really.... I have to think a minute on how to approach this topic because it means so much to me. I have always been against it, even as a little kid I would steal peoples cigarettes and hide them and tell them not to smoke. I used to always tell my cousins not to drink alcohol too. Now they think I drink for some reason, but I still don't, sorry to disappoint. ;) But, back to tobacco and it doesn't matter the form, cigarettes, cigars, chew, whatever else you can come up with, its gross. We know too much about it by now to be stupid enough to continue to do it. If you know something directly causes cancer of the throat, mouth, lungs and more, high blood pressure and increased clotting of the blood which can cause a stroke(think not being able to move half your body for the rest of your life), gingivitis(nasty gum disease where your teeth fall out), halitosis(stank breath you can't get rid of), emphysema(a disease that slowly suffocates you to death), pre-mature aging(you'll get wrinkles as deep as the grand canyon by 45), gastrointestinal disease(when your stomach acid burns your esophagus or ulcers in your stomach and intestine), decreased ability to play sports and be active do to breathing problems and increased risk of bone fracture, men have increased erectile disfunction(if you don't know what that is, men I highly suggest you look it up). The risks are all the same for cigar smokers and many of the risks are the same for chewing tobacco users, in fact snuff users are more likely to develop throat and mouth cancer than cigarette smokers who are more likely to develop lung cancer.
Ok so I just through a lot of facts at you. If anyone was offended by any of that, then you should take a look at yourself because those are the facts and you being offended clearly means you are not 100% confident in what you are doing.
I haven't even gotten to the drug situation yet, but it's getting late so I'll save that for tomorrow. Just know for tonight, drugs are stupid, and if you enjoy being stupid and would like to continuously get dumber for the rest of your life, then go ahead and do drugs, I'm sure living on the streets or in and out of jail will be fun.
don't forget to leave your comments about drinking and whatever else you'd like.
good night
God is like Solitaire
I realized while playing klondike solitaire on my ipod on the subway home tonight that God works like solitaire. Right before you click on the next card, you wish for that one card you think you need. Sometimes, God gives you exactly the card you think you need. Sometimes, God gives you a different card that you don't think you need at all. Sometimes, the card God gives you isn't the one you wanted, but it is actually the card that makes you win. So, we should let our lives have a little room for new cards to play and see where it takes us. The plan you may have set out for yourself, may not be the path you actually end up taking, and if you let God have his way in your life, you may end up on a much better path.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
to the ladies
Alright, I have been witnessing too many ladies lately lowering their standards and letting men treat them badly and then continuing to see them. Its a reoccurring cycle and I don't blame the guys for this one. You know the saying treat others how you want to be treated, well also, expect to be treated how you want to be treated. If you let the guy treat you a certain way and then you keep going back to him, then he's going to think that is how you want to be treated and he's going to continue to treat you that way.
Rule #1: Don't sleep with a guy right away. He will only think of you as a hookup. Plain and simple.
Rule #2: If he doesn't pay for your first date, he's not interested in making you his girlfriend.
Rule #3: If he's not calling, not spending time with you, he's not interested, and move on.
Ladies, there are far too many fish in the sea to continue wasting your time with losers who have babies on the way from other women, who spend their money on drugs instead of on taking you to dinner, and who would rather spend their time with their boyz than on making you fall in love with them. Move on, don't get hung up on guys who aren't hung up on you. Don't believe the lines when they are telling them to you and everyone else on the block.
Rule #1: Don't sleep with a guy right away. He will only think of you as a hookup. Plain and simple.
Rule #2: If he doesn't pay for your first date, he's not interested in making you his girlfriend.
Rule #3: If he's not calling, not spending time with you, he's not interested, and move on.
Ladies, there are far too many fish in the sea to continue wasting your time with losers who have babies on the way from other women, who spend their money on drugs instead of on taking you to dinner, and who would rather spend their time with their boyz than on making you fall in love with them. Move on, don't get hung up on guys who aren't hung up on you. Don't believe the lines when they are telling them to you and everyone else on the block.
Getting down to size
So I am looking for a new modeling agency because my last one owes me a lot of money and we are working on getting that taken care of. So in my quest for stardom, I realize I need to trim up a little. Do I think I'm fat, no. By normal society standards I'm thin, by my standards, I'm good weight. By the entertainment industry's standards, I need to lose some inches. My advice to those who are in a similar situation. Don't starve yourself. Its stupid. Colon cleanses don't make you lose weight and you'll just be uncomfortable and in the bathroom for a few days straight. No fun. Starving yourself will just make you unhappy and make your face look sallow and tired, which is not going to get you modeling jobs. Puking, ew. I'm not even going to go there. Not an option.
So the only option is to join a gym, and actually go and work out. My gym offered a free personal training session when you sign up. Its a good idea to see if your gym offers anything like this and to take advantage of it. Sometimes when you go to the gym you don't know where to start so you end up walking on the treadmill for fifteen minutes and pretending to stretch out afterwards and then go home. Meeting with a personal trainer gave me some good ideas on exercises I could do. Abs are really important so make sure you are always working on them. Your core stabilizes you so that you have less risk of injury.
Also I have a major sweet tooth so that is a big challenge for me. I've realized that fruit does crave your sweet tooth some, so eat lots of fruit and you'll crave less cheesecake! Fill up on as many fruits and vegetables as you can. If you are a picky eater and don't like that many vegetables, then fill up on the ones you like and prepare them different ways so that you don't get bored. Also, yes salads are better for you. Italian dressing has the least calories, especially if you get a fat free italian dressing or something similar like fat free balsamic vinaigrette. Be careful when you go whole wheat or whole grain, often times it has more calories, sometimes double! So read labels when you are shopping.
Hats off to anyone who is trying to slim down for whatever reason, health, fitness, trying to impress someone, or land a better job. It is a battle and we all have to start somewhere. Even try something small like switching to mustard instead of mayo, not putting cheese on your sandwich, eating fruit for your afternoon snack instead of a bag of chips. Drinking only water, and a lot of it. Soda has to go, and juice has a lot of calories as well, opt for actual fruits to get your vitamins. Eating an orange will fill you up more than drinking a glass of orange juice, and its less calories.
I hope you will stop by again to read some more tips and updates on living life in NYC. I am off to the gym now. Treadmill, crunches, lunges, stretching, more abs, arms, treadmill.
So the only option is to join a gym, and actually go and work out. My gym offered a free personal training session when you sign up. Its a good idea to see if your gym offers anything like this and to take advantage of it. Sometimes when you go to the gym you don't know where to start so you end up walking on the treadmill for fifteen minutes and pretending to stretch out afterwards and then go home. Meeting with a personal trainer gave me some good ideas on exercises I could do. Abs are really important so make sure you are always working on them. Your core stabilizes you so that you have less risk of injury.
Also I have a major sweet tooth so that is a big challenge for me. I've realized that fruit does crave your sweet tooth some, so eat lots of fruit and you'll crave less cheesecake! Fill up on as many fruits and vegetables as you can. If you are a picky eater and don't like that many vegetables, then fill up on the ones you like and prepare them different ways so that you don't get bored. Also, yes salads are better for you. Italian dressing has the least calories, especially if you get a fat free italian dressing or something similar like fat free balsamic vinaigrette. Be careful when you go whole wheat or whole grain, often times it has more calories, sometimes double! So read labels when you are shopping.
Hats off to anyone who is trying to slim down for whatever reason, health, fitness, trying to impress someone, or land a better job. It is a battle and we all have to start somewhere. Even try something small like switching to mustard instead of mayo, not putting cheese on your sandwich, eating fruit for your afternoon snack instead of a bag of chips. Drinking only water, and a lot of it. Soda has to go, and juice has a lot of calories as well, opt for actual fruits to get your vitamins. Eating an orange will fill you up more than drinking a glass of orange juice, and its less calories.
I hope you will stop by again to read some more tips and updates on living life in NYC. I am off to the gym now. Treadmill, crunches, lunges, stretching, more abs, arms, treadmill.
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