Sunday, May 22, 2011

self worth

Things you may do when you feel low self worth:
1. Distance yourself from people you view with a higher worth than yourself.
2. Surround yourself with people of a low worth, people who have low education, do drugs, aren't goal or work-oriented.
3. Become lazy, lack goals, do drugs.
4. Follow what others do around you to try to fit in.
5. You play the victim, and don't take responsibility for your actions or your life. Allowing others to make decisions for you.
6. Constantly comparing yourself to others. Either in your head or vocally, looking for assurance from others that you look good. Searching for the wrong type of attention by dressing slutty, sending provocative pictures, etc in order to attempt to boost your self-esteem.
7. You begin to feel that hurtful actions done to you by others were deserved. Such as, verbal abuse, or physical.

Ways to combat low self-worth:
1. Surround yourself with uplifting people who are goal-oriented and who will help you up not pull you down.
2. Get rid of "friends" who also have low self esteem and who want you to share in their pain.
3. Start setting goals and sticking to a plan of achieving them. You will feel much better about yourself once you can see your accomplishments.
4. Start your own trends. Don't do what everyone else is doing. Blending in won't build your self-worth. Standing out by being a leader will build you up.
5. Take action and take responsibility. Burning bridges doesn't help you get across, so instead start mending old wounds and slowly build up from there. Make peace with past regrets. Try to own up and act like an adult and you will feel worthy of being called an adult because you will feel independent only by being independent.
6. Start changing your thoughts to 'do I feel good?', rather than 'do I look good?'. What matters is what you feel on the inside,  not how others perceive you to be on the outside. Your self-worth is just that, it is up to you. Nobody else determines your self-worth but you.
7. Stand up for yourself. Get out of bad relationships that are going nowhere, because you deserve better. 

All of these steps relate to one another. You need to take responsibility for your actions, look in the mirror and start your day with a better view on yourself. You need to make goals and reach them and start step by step towards a better you. Becoming independent of others will make you feel great. Stop depending on others for compliments to make you feel good about yourself. Stop depending on others to take care of things you should be taking care of and you will feel instantly more self-worth because you will have accomplished something. Even if it is as small as paying a bill on your own, or taking initiative to clean up, you will feel a sense of accomplishment when it is done. Likewise, setting career goals, relationship goals, health goals, etc and accomplishing them will bring you joy. 
Remember, the most important thing is how you perceive yourself, not how others perceive you.

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