Friday, March 11, 2011

To Catch a Predator

Anyone who knows me knows that I've always been interested in multiple things and am always keeping myself busy with various endeavors. My latest interest, catching predators. Being a model in New York City, you meet various guys who are only interested in one thing, and that one thing become very evident, very quickly (at least to those of us smart enough to avoid such guys). Some girls who are more naive, not stupid, just naive, will fall for these losers who claim to be their ticket to fame. some of these guys may be legitimately involved in the industry, some of them may have the connections a young model needs in order to be successful, but 95% of them, are liars, are broke, and do not know the first thing or the first person to help you get your break. The 5% who are able to get you into the right doors are usually old sketchy men looking for young girls to pull rank on and convince to sleep with them and then never really get them anything. Some models at the top have slept their way up. Definitely. However, most top models, build their way up from a young age with a reputable agency and who put their all into it. Don't sacrifice your morals and your self-esteem to try to make it, because it will not work.
This brings me to my main point, I'd like to find some way of catching these guys. I'd like to bring to light this issue that so few people even know about. It is something that nobody tells you and you wouldn't know until being in the industry. The same goes for the acting world. Sometimes, actors do sleep with the directors to get the role. It is a sad truth, and something you have to be smart about before you even get involved in the industry or you will fall for the tricks these guys play. Maybe its not even just the guys. Since I am female, I see first hand the males pulling these cards, but what about the females in the industry who already have their names on magazine letterhead or in the credits of films? Do you think Anna Wintour pulls the, "Do you know who I am" card in order to get young naive men to sleep with her?

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