Wednesday, March 30, 2011

21 questions

Here are 21 questions so you can get to know me. Feel free to copy the questions and post your own answers on your own blog/facebook/etc. Also feel free to post comments with other questions you'd like to know the answers to.

  1. What is your biggest pet peeve? People who lack self-motivation.
  2. Does your first kiss know they were your first? Nope, don't think so. Message me if you think you were my first, I'll let you know.
  3. What were you like when you were a kid? A girly-girl, a dancer and I even did a few beauty pageants.
  4. Did you ever have an imaginary friend? Nope. Although I had an imaginary world that I swore I went to when I dreamed a lot called Jabberland.
  5. What was your most favorite toy? My barbies, and this robot dog and robot cat that I wanted because my parents wouldn't let me get a real pet until I was old enough to care for it myself.
  6. Which car would you be and why? I used to think a VW Beetle was the perfect car for my personality. I think that I have changed however to something a little more mature and chic. Now I'm like a black and chrome Maybach Exelero.
  7. If you had so much money that you wouldn't know what to do with, what would you do with it? I'd put a lot into opening businesses like a low-calorie bakery in Manhattan. I would also spend a lot of it traveling so that I could be with my boyfriend more often and travel to various countries to model.
  8. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received? My dad told me before I dropped out of college and moved to NYC that I had only 3 options in life. I could try and succeed. I could try and fail. Or, I could never try and spend the rest of my life wondering, what if?
  9. If you could live anywhere other than here, where would it be? I'd like to live in Manhattan in the garment district. Or if in another city, I'd want to live in L.A. Or if another country, I'd probably fall in love with Italy.
  10. What's the rule you're proudest of breaking? Not sure about this one. I don't think I've broken any fun rules. 
  11. Do you think people who cheat on a test cheat in a relationship, too? No. I admit, I've cheated on tests before, but I've never cheated on a boyfriend.
  12. Are any of your close friends married? Do any of them have children? Yes, I have a few close married friends. No, I have a few friends with children but I wouldn't say they are close friends.
  13. What is your favorite piece of clothing? A new William Rast tank I bought recently is my current favorite, but all-time I'd have to say an *Nsync t-shirt I have that's autographed by the entire band.
  14. If you had an extra hour in a day, how would you spend it? Getting some of the things done that I've been putting off, such as working out, getting a new cell phone, buying presents for upcoming holidays for family members, redoing my portfolio, applying to more agencies.
  15. What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done? I've gone parasailing a few times. I've gone on a zipline. I've gone on the roller coaster on the top of the Stratosphere in Las Vegas. I love dangerous, adrenaline-pumping activities.
  16. Do you prefer playing or watching sports? Watching, especially hockey and baseball.
  17. What's the worst date you've ever been on? I went on a date with a guy and a few of my friends to Six Flags and by the end of the day he was kissing another girl in our group and I left. So much for the romantic ride on the ferris wheel. 
  18. Do you wear pajamas to places other than at your house? Nope. But there's a hilarious website to see a bunch of people who do. Click Here. 
  19. Do you sing in the shower or in the car? I used to sing in the car when I drove, but I don't drive in NYC. I don't usually sing in the shower, only on very rare occasions.
  20. What is one moment you wish you could take back? When I was about 10 or so, I played a prank on my uncle because my brothers and dad and uncles all play pranks on each other but I didn't realize what I did could of hurt him and it wasn't funny and I wish I didn't do it. I guess I was young and trying to fit in, since I was the only girl, but girls shouldn't do things like that. Nobody should.
  21. What is your favorite movie of all time, and how many times have you seen it? Legally Blonde, I've probably seen it 7 or 8 times. It is classic Michelle- blonde who is actually intelligent.

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