Monday, April 4, 2011

Timing is Everything

So, if you checked out my last post, I submitted to a contest to be a fashion reporter during NY Fashion Week. However, even though the contest isn't over yet, I have conceded. A few of the girls in the contest have a huge youtube channel following and have thousands of votes. Good for them, this is obviously not meant for me. However, the good news is, the magazine that was sponsoring the contest reached out to me and asked me if I'd be willing to do a shoot for their magazine in the future. So, it all works out in the end. I get published, and the girl who won the contest can interview me. :)
I have trouble with patience, as most of us do today. We are the generation of now. We want everything instantly. The problem is, it takes hard work and determination to get what you want. I know that I will be passed up on several jobs but I'm okay with that because I am faithful that jobs will come my way. People will be impressed by me. They will want to work with me again. Success is where I am headed. It may be a long journey, maybe a short one, maybe full of bumps or forks in the road and a few flat tires, but I will make it in the end. The same goes for everyone. We all have to jump hurdles and fix our own flat tires. AAA can't come and tow you to the finish line, you've got to figure it out on your own.
Oh, and by the way, pray that God keeps your road free of deep potholes, and that he continuously fills your gas tank so you are never left on empty.

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