Tuesday, April 26, 2011


After years of putting off the upgrade to a smartphoene, I finally gave in. I am very frugal and didn't see the point. I was content with my $10 per month unlimited "Internet" which included checking my email and the occasional attempt to view facebook. I debated the upgrade for a few months, being very indecisive all along. One day I walked into an AT&T store with every intention of getting another quick messaging phone. I was due for an upgrade about 6 months ago but never decided on a phone. I left with an iPhone and upgraded to the $25 a month 2GB data plan. Not at all what I anticipated leaving with but I decided it was finally time for me to join the rest of my peers in this digital age. Now I am hooked. It is literally like having a computer at the palm of your hands, and stored in your pocket. Here are my main benefits of using a smartphone; interactive games with friends, ability to quickly surf the web to any website including email, ability to connect to wifi, and applications for everything! In fact, I am writing this post currently from my iPhone while sitting in bed. The convenience and speed is awesome and it's something that can really benefit anyone. I wanted to write about smartphones in general and not specifically the iPhone because I am aware that there are even more advanced phones out there already and also I am not partial to the iPhone brand specifically, I just got it for a good eal that's why I decided to go with it. Any smartphone is really fine. Good luck if you decide to go upgrade! Add the app "Words with friends" and play me! My username is Michelleberman (creative, I know).


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