Thursday, December 9, 2010

Your utter lack of coolness is astounding.

Generally speaking, I am a pretty nice person. I am very chill. Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't easily get angry with people and I don't have an attitude for no reason. I have a very monotone voice and try to pacify most situations before they get out of control. However, things that really, really irritate me are when people blame others for their problems, when people lack motivation, and when people lie, especially when they lie about me. I don't want to point fingers, so I am going to make this very general.
If you have an issue with me, please come directly to me and talk to me about it. Do not be a coward and be nice to my face and then talk about me to my friends because, they are my friends, and therefore will tell me everything you say as soon as you've left the room.
Please stop living in a dream world where you can blame people for your mistakes. If you think you are an adult, act like one. Take responsibility for your actions. Your parents are no longer to blame for what you do or do not do.
Some people have such low self-esteem that they think the worst always. They make up things in their heads that aren't true and then sabotage their own relationships with friends, family, loved ones. For instance, never assume someone hates you. All that is going to do is make you depressed, and for what? Another thing, don't assume they don't want you around or that they are doing things to spite you or are plotting against you. They most likely are not, and you are just blaming them for your own insecurities. Stop blaming other people for your bad ideas or your lack of motivation or your lack of success in any aspect of your life. Don't blame others for failing your test, or your boyfriend not being interested in you or you not finding an apartment or you not having money or you not finding a job or whatever it is.
Which brings me to this laziness thing. If you want to get ahead in life you have to take the initiative to do so. Procrastinating, although we all struggle with it at times, will only lead you to missing out on great opportunities and lead you to getting dropped, and I mean that in all the senses. Dropped from your job, friends, family, dropped from school or boyfriends, or roommates. People will drop you like a bowling ball if they start to see this habit of procrastination. Again, we all struggle with it at times. But, for real, if you can't pick up after yourself for weeks.... that is just dirty. If you use dishes, wash them. If you make a mess, clean it. If you fill the garbage can, empty it. If you spill something, mop it up. If your clothes are dirty, wash them. If your room is a mess, pick it up. If your relationship is a mess, fix it (or get out of it). If your schoolwork needs to get done, do it. If your oil needs to be changed, take it to a garage (or do it yourself if you are car-savvy, unlike me).  Ok you get the point, I could go on and on, but this is an advice blog for adults, so lets all start taking some more responsibility and getting on top of our game. God will never give you more than you can handle.
Prioritize people, and don't ever get comfortable. You can be comfortable once you are in your coffin. You need to strive for greatness your entire life or else you will end up alone, in a dirty house, with a minimum wage job trying to support your 5 kids from 4 baby daddies. Sounds like fun right? Good luck with that one, since it seems like you are already on your way.
Also, try your best not to lie. I know we all do it from time to time. We think those little white lies will save us a fight or save us from taking the blame for something but try to face your problems. Please do not lie about me. It will get back to me, and since my word is valued among my friends, they will believe me over you. Sorry, you will just look like a fool.
I know I've wrote about this before, but ladies, you need to stop slutting yourselves around. Yes, I just made a new word. Slutting. Get smart about how to deal with your relationships or again, you will end up alone. Guys are only going to think of you as what you demand you be. If you let a guy have you as a hook up, you will only, always, and forever be viewed as a hook up. Ask any guy, well except for the guy(s) who you are currently slutting yourself around with because he is only going to tell you what you want to hear to get laid again. So ask a guy who has a girlfriend, who hopefully you aren't slutting yourself around with. Someone who you think is a faithful non-cheating guy, and ask if he would ever think about making a hookup into a girlfriend if you gave it up on the (insert number here) time you hung out. Good Luck, and I am interested to hear some replies of what people said.
Also, let me make one thing clear, I do not hate anyone. Yes, there are people I dislike, but I don't waste my time plotting against them. Their time will come. I am a strong believer in the idea of Karma, however I understand it slightly different than the Indian religions. I believe that God's will is set forth on everyone's life and that he can give you consequences for your actions if he so chooses. Have you ever wished something bad on someone only to fall and skin your knee, or cursed in anger at someone only to bite your own tongue, or lied about something you thought you got away with only to get caught? I see God acting in all these situations. My mom would tell me that God was punishing me when I had similar situations happen to me growing up.
I think it is time for me to go to bed, but after hearing some disturbing things about a person I helped and put up with a lot of things for, I figured I would vent a little and hopefully inspire some people to straighten things out in their lives. I am going to try to take some of my own advice as well and be even more proactive and stop procrastinating with a fews things I have been putting off.

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